Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

"Will you be mine?" He asked, in a soft voice while still hugging me. I smile happily and nod my head. "Of course..." I said. He picks me up and starts to twirl me around. I clutch onto his shoulders, letting out a gleeful laugh. Mika is my boyfriend now!

-A Mother's Love-


I'm currently reading in my room. Mika have something to do, so I won't be seeing him until later today. I don't feel like talking to the Queen or anyone, that's why I just stayed in my room.

I place the book down and stare up at the ceiling. I start to  think about my friends back at the base of the Demon Army. I wonder how they are doing now... Yuu and the others.

I close my eyes as I recall the look of fear in Yoichi eyes when I attacked him. I shake my head, wanting to erase that horrified expression from my mind. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't forget completely. I can't erase the fact that I almost hurt the people who are closest to me.

A soft knock on the door, snaps me out of my daze. I let out a sigh and stay silent, hoping the person would get the picture that I don't want to be bothered. But after another sound of knocking, I realize that it won't happened. They would keep bothering me until I answer them. I huffed in annoyance and stand up from my bed.

I place the book on the desk and head towards the door. I open it, revealing it is none other Ferid. I roll my eyes at the sight of him. "What do you want?" I asked. He let out a chuckle and leans his body against the door frame.

"Same as always... always so cold" he said. I just roll my eyes at what he said. I crossed my arms across my chest as I stare at him expectantly, silently urging him to tell me what he wants. "The Queen wishes to see you" he said. I let out a huff and nod my head.

"Tell her I'll be there. Just give me some time. Now get lost!" I said, slamming the door on him before he could say anything else. I can hear a chuckle from the other side of the door, making me roll my eyes. I let out a sigh and run my hand through my hair. What could she probably want from me now?

I change my clothes into my daily ones. I stare at myself in the mirror. I huffed softly and turn around, making my way out of my room. Time to see what that woman wants from me.

I scan the room, until I spot her sitting on her throne. I walk further inside the room and stands in front of her. "You called for me" I said, while crossing my arms across my chest.

"I see you're still not willing to call me 'mom'" she said. I just roll my eyes at what she said. She's still going on with that. I will never call her mom. She ruined my life when she turned me into a vampire.

She stands up and walks closer to me. She lift her hand as if she wants to touch my face. But before her hand makes contact with my skin, I back away while giving her a cold gaze. She frowns at my action and turns around, walking back towards her throne.

She takes out a knife and cuts a slit. I watch as she starts to fill a small vial. I'm guessing it's a stock for Mika. I just watch as the red substance slowly filling up the vial. I've drank human blood... so drinking a vampire's blood wouldn't satisfy my thirst any longer.

The door burst open to reveal Mika. I stare at him with a worried gaze. He looks in pain as he approaches Krul. "Ah, Mika... you're here. I'm just filing up your stock-" she got cut off as Mika grabs her, pulling her up from her throne. He bites onto her neck, drinking her blood.

I just look away from them. Mika knows that Krul is my mother. But I guess he didn't have a choice. He would only drink her blood and refuses to drink human's. So I say nothing about this.

"My... you're really that thirsty? There there..." Krul said, gently embracing him. Mika opens his eyes and finally takes notice of me. His eyes widened as he push Krul away from him.

"Sorry, Krul..." he said, wiping the excess blood from the corner of his lips. But there's still some left. Krul just let out a chuckle at what he said. She turns around to face him.

"Everyone gets like that if they didn't get enough blood" she said. I gulp at what she said, as I remember what I almost did to Yoichi when I first turned into a vampire again. Mika just stays silent after what she said.

"Can I get a little more... stock today?" Mika asked, after staying silent. Krul let out a giggle at what he said. She slowly walks up to him.

"I'll give you as much as you want" she said. She lift her hand, gently cupping his cheeks. She wipe the blood from the corner of his lips. "But you won't last forever with just my blood. That day will come for sure. Go wait at the waiting chamber. I'll call you when I'm done. I also have to talk to my daughter" she said. I turn to look at Mika as he stares at me. I just give him a smile and nod my head.

"Right..." he said, turning around to walk away. But he suddenly stopped before he even gets close to the door. I tilt my head slightly as I look at him. Krul notices too and turn to him as well.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She sounded genuinely concern for Mika. Mika slowly turns around to look at her, still not saying anything. Mika turn to look at me for a moment before turning his gaze to Krul again.

"Weren't you suppose to actually kill Yuu and me?" He said. I turn to look at Krul, waiting for her to answer his question. Krul stares at him with an amused expression.

"Well, that's rare. Are you worried for me?" She asked. Mika just gives her a cold gaze. He's not impressed with how Krul try to brush off his question. He stands with his body straight, as if challenging Krul to make fun of what he's saying again.

"Why did you let us live, when it puts you in risk?" He asked. Krul stops what she's doing and stays silent. Her back is facing us, so I can't see her expression. Mika and I glance at each other, wondering why Krul suddenly turns silent. "What are you trying to do to us?" Mika asked again, clearly annoyed by her silence.

"That's something you don't need to worry about" she said, after a while of silence. She slowly turn to look at us. She turn to look at me in the eyes. I can see so many emotion reflecting in them. Mika didn't seem to notice that as he grew angry.

"Don't mess with me! If you're planning on using Yuu, then-" Mika said, as he try to punch Krul. But his attempt easily gets blocked as Krul grabs his hand. I clench my hands into tight fists as Mika struggles.

"Then, what would you do?" She asked, amusingly. She glance at me and releases his hand. He clutched his hand in pain, trying to ease his pain. I relaxes a little. "I admit, I did have something planned for the two of you. That was until I see that Y/N have gotten pretty close to both of you... I decided to let you both live" she said. My eyes widened in surprise. She let Mika and Yuu live... for my sake?

"What are you talking about? Are you saying that let both of them live, because of me?" I asked. She turns her head to look at me. She slowly approaches me. I just stand still, without moving an inch. She lift her hand and gently cups the side of my cheek.

"I have failed you as a mother. I want to do something. Anything... to make it up to you for everything that I did. So you'd forgive me. So you'd accept me as your mom again..." she said, in a soft voice. My eyes soften at what she said.

She smiles softly at me as she pull me into a hug. I try to pull away from her, but she quickly tightens her embrace. "Please... let me hold you just this once..." she said, in a pleading tone. I stop trying to pull away as my body start to relax in her arms. I slowly close my eyes as I let her embraces me.

Even though the two of us are vampires, and our bodies are as cold as ice. Being in her embrace kind of gives me the sense of warmth. I never realize how much I actually missed her... my mother.

*to be continued*

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