Chapter 10-Its time for a C Rank

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*I don't own Naruto,art or any crossover elements*

Are story opens in an unknown location where we would see an unknown man sitting there as a woman would walk into the room.

Unknown location

"You needed me master" the unknown woman would say .

"Yes guren I do" the unknown man says

Guren is a young woman with red lipstick, has fair skin, dark eyes and light blue hair which she keeps in a spiky ponytail with long strands of hair framing her face. Her outfit consists of a green dress with a long left sleeve and a short right one, a red turtle-neck which has a white, fluffy collar and brown gloves. Under the dress, she wears a one piece red suit. For shoes, she wears calf-length brown sandal boots.

"What mission do you have for me master" the woman now known as guren would say.

"We'll guren in order to help with my experiments I need you and your team to head for the land of waterfalls" the unknown man says.

"Why the land of waterfalls" Guren says in a questioning tone

"Because guren my scouts have learned the truth of the land of waterfalls water." The unknown man says

"What is it sir" guren asks

"The water there is said to be able to boost your chakra 10 fold I need it" the unknown man says.

"Really 10 fold" guren says shocked.

"Yes which is why I need you and your team to head there and get it for me" the unkown man says in a commanding tone.

"I'll leave right away sir" guren says leaving the room

"This water will help me be able to kill you sensei Sarutobi" The man would laugh manically

Meanwhile in the Hidden Leaf

Meanwhile It has been two months since the team 5 have began doing missions and they hated it as the rank of mission they were given were D-ranks which mostly consisted of them farming or babysitting and much more chore like things

As for how the teams they have gotten along well with their senseis as for team 5 Shikamaru likes Shisui a lot due to the fact he already sees Shikamaru's strength that being his intelligence but Shisui did want to help Shikamaru in his weakness by teaching him a new wind and earth justu, and started to train him In kenjustu.

As for Hinata she sees Shisui as the cool older brother she wished Neji was as Shisui has been helping Hinata in her Kenjustu, wind and lighting affinities.

Now Naruto and Shisui have continued their brotherly relationship with Shisui helping Naruto in creating his secret justu.

But now they are currently on a mission.

Unknown Location

"Shikamaru here at Points B" Shikamaru says over the intercom.

"Hinata at Point C" Hinata replies over the intercom.

"Naruto Here I'm at Point A, Believe it" He says over the intercom.

"Get ready to move fast" Shisui says over the intercom.

"Guys the target's moving" Naruto says over the intercom.

"Move move" Shisui says as the squad would move out as Naruto grab the target.

"I've got him" Naruto says as it would reveal a cat which would he starching him.

"Troublesome" Shikamaru says looking at his friend being starching.

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