Chapter 0-Birth of the new sage

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*I don't own Naruto,any crossover elements or any art*




{Conversation in another plane}





Year 944 BKE

We open inside a house we're an old man that being the Sage of Six Paths or Hagoromo Otsutuki is experiencing his final moments with his family around him.

"Father"The son of the the old man Asura Otsutuki and his wife Kanna cry out in worry of their father or father in law in Kanna's case.

"Grandpa"the grandchildren of the sage would cry out in worry.

"I was not able to guide this world well" the sage says reflecting on his life as it nears its end"

"That's not true father"His son Asura says trying to console his father.

"Indra came by last night"The sage said shocking his family.


"Indra is that you"The sage says in shock of his wayward son returning home.

"Yes"The Sage other son

"Have you come to kill me"the sage says thinking his son had come back to finish what he started.

"There's no need for me to do that anymore,since it seems time beat me to it"the man answers his father.

"Really"the sage replies

"I came here,to end the future of this disaster disguised as Ninshu,your selfish misconception will mar the future of Ninshu with wars and calamities"the man says trying to crush his father's spirit.

Please don't Indra"The sage says trying to pled with his son.

"Have no intention of ever stopping my fight,until I accomplish this,no matter what not even death however long it takes"Indra replies as he would then vanish.

End flashback

"Asura I need you to stop your brother,and your to stop whatever forces he gathers"the man says as he would pass"

("I can't in trust Asura to stop his brother I must have my chakra rebirth in a another to defeat my son or if it comes to it sons"the sage knowing what he had to do)

Years would past as the descendants of Asura and Indra would battle through the ages until Hagoromo's chakra would finally find a host.

Year 288 BKE:October 10th-Undisclosed Location-outside the hidden leaf village.




("what's going on") the sage thinks.

("I'm I a baby")the man finally notices with him finally seeing the new circumstance he is in.

Thought out the entire room and a scream echos out.this scream seems to come from a  young baby that had spiky blond hair and a pair of blue eyes.

"Congratulations Kushina it's a beautiful boy,its a beautiful baby boy"said the nurse as she hand the baby to his mother Kushina.

Kushina Uzumaki is young woman with a fair skin a slender,feminine build red hair,and blue eyes.Her hair is straight and reaches her ankle,with shoulder length strands that framed both sides on her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left.She wears a high-collared,sleeveless blouse under a long loose fitting dress with a wristband on her left wrist and standard shinobi sandals.

Naruto:The next Sage of Six Pathsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن