Chapter 20: A new chapter

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The sun was setting as Marcelo and WildOutSider stood on a cliff overlooking the city. Marcellus had changed a lot since the day he met WildOutSider. He had learned to control his magic, had gained wisdom beyond his years, and had even faced betrayal and loss. But he had come out the other side stronger.

WildOutSider looked at Marcellus with pride. "You've come a long way, my pupil," he told him.

Marcellus smiled, "Thanks to you, Master. I couldn't have done it without you."

WildOutSider chuckled: "You would have found your way in the end. I simply helped you on your way."

Marcellus looked at the city. "What do I do now?"

WildOutSider put his hand on Marcellus' shoulder. "You have a gift, Marcellus. You can use it to help others. There will always be those who need protection, guidance or healing."

Marcellus thought about it. He had never considered using his magic to help others. But the idea excited him.

WildOutSider continued, "And don't forget that there is still much to learn. The world is full of mysteries and wonders. Keep seeking knowledge and never stop growing."

Marcelo nodded, "I will."

As they turned to leave, WildOutSider said, "Oh, and Marcelo, don't forget to write your own story. You never know who might be inspired by it."

Marcelo smiled, feeling a sense of purpose he had never felt before. He had faced his demons and come out the other side. He had gained the knowledge, power, and experience to make a difference. And with that began a new chapter in his life.

As he watched his father figure disappear as the time of the spell was over.

When this happened he just let out a small tear and left the place.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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