Chapter 19: The Legacy

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Marcelo sat at the large oak desk in the library of the now empty WildOutSider's mansion. The weight of what had happened was heavy on his mind, but he knew there was one thing left to do.

He pulled out a blank sheet of paper and began to write his will. As a powerful mage, he knew that his life could be cut short at any moment. He wanted to ensure that his legacy would be carried on after he was gone.

He began by outlining how his assets would be divided among his friends and family, making sure that each of them would be taken care of. Then he turned his attention to his magical possessions.

He had accumulated a vast collection of magical artifacts and tomes over the years. Marcelo knew that these items held great power, and he wanted to make sure they were put to good use.

He decided to donate them to a newly established magical academy that he had helped fund. This academy was dedicated to teaching young mages how to use their magic responsibly, without falling into the same traps that he and WildOutSider had fallen into.

As he finished writing, Marcelo felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he had done everything he could to ensure that his legacy would be one of hope and progress.

He folded the paper and placed it in a sealed envelope, which he then locked in a small safe. The safe would only be opened upon his death, ensuring that his wishes would be carried out exactly as he intended.

Marcelo sat back in his chair and took a deep breath. He knew that he had done the right thing, and that his legacy would continue to inspire and guide future generations of mages for years to come.

Shadows and Magic: The Legacy of WildOutSiderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz