Chapter 6: Dark Magic

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As Marcelo continued his training with WildOutSider, the magician began to introduce him to the darker side of magic. It was a side that Marcelo had never seen before, and it both fascinated and scared him.

"Dark magic is not to be taken lightly," warned WildOutSider as he showed Marcelo how to perform a powerful spell that could manipulate the minds of others. "It can be a dangerous tool if used recklessly."

Marcelo listened intently as WildOutSider demonstrated the spell, and then tried it out for himself. He felt a rush of power as he watched the spell take effect, but he also felt a twinge of guilt for using his newfound abilities to control another person.

WildOutSider could see the conflict in Marcelo's eyes, and he put a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Remember, Marcelo, with great power comes great responsibility. It's up to you to use these spells for good, not for personal gain."

Marcelo nodded solemnly, realizing that he had a lot to learn about the world of magic. He knew that WildOutSider would be a tough teacher, but he also knew that he had much to gain from the old magician's wisdom.

Shadows and Magic: The Legacy of WildOutSiderWhere stories live. Discover now