"Why?" Mayor Chen raised his eyebrows.

"The first route is almost winding up to the mountains. The difficulty and cost of road construction are too high. Even if I don't consider the economic benefits brought by the road construction, the government's funds will still be insufficient. I have also considered whether it can be repaired by raising funds from the people, but the people along the way are really too poor." Shen Weijun remembered that when he first took office, he went to the mountains to inspect and saw those poor and backward villages. After returning, he wanted to build roads, but government funds just couldn't keep up.

"The previous mayors have also been trying to repair the roads, but in each planning, funding was always a few hundred million short. Finally, these funds were allocated to other places," Shen Weijun explained.

Mayor Chen nodded in deep thought.

Mayor Chen always remembered that when Joohyun first came home, he promised her that he would help inquire about road constructions, so after chatting with Shen Weijun today, Mayor Chen went home.

As the family of four sat down to eat together, Mayor Chen asked, seemingly casually, "Irin ah, do you still remember the road repair matter?"

"Yes, I've been saving money," Joohyun replied.

Saving money? How could a young girl save hundreds of millions?

Although Mayor Chen felt that his daughter certainly lacked this ability, he promised her something, so he still had to tell her the results: "Qingmu City just changed a mayor recently, and he is my former secretary."

Joohyun, who was engrossed in eating, perked up with surprise.

"It's Weijun, right?" Mother Chen guessed almost instantly.

"That's right." Mayor Chen nodded. "He came to study and came to see me, so I asked about the road construction there."

"What did he say? Is he going to build a road for us in Damu Village?" Joohyun said excitedly.

Chen Yang also stopped the chopsticks in his hand to look at his father.

"In fact, Qingmu City has always had the intention of building a road to Qingyang County, but the government's funding has been insufficient. Thus, the road construction matter has been brought up repeatedly, and then shelved," Mayor Chen said.

"How much money is missing? I'll just fill it up to them," Joohyun said with a heroism that almost touched the clouds.

The Chen family: How bold of you to say that.

Mayor Chen felt that he had to let his daughter recognize the reality, so he said, "The start-up capital for the first phase alone is 300 million short, and that's just the first phase."

"But as long as we can get the project started, then it's just a matter of time before the whole road is reconstructed." Chen Yang continued his father's words.

"Hmm." Mayor Chen nodded, but the problem was that you had to have the 300 million.

"300 million?" Joohyun also stopped eating. She put down the chopsticks and took her phone out to check her balance online, then could not help but frown.

Chen family members: You even have to check your bank balance. That's 300 million, ah. Do you have to check?

Joohyun swiped her phone again, and then clicked on the Metaphysics website. She counted the A-Level tasks pinned there, and then one by one, added up all the bonuses with her fingers.

Believe It Or Not, I Already Caught You (Lisrene)Where stories live. Discover now