Chapter 38

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Mother Chen was about to take some freshly cut fruit upstairs to feed her daughter when she saw Joohyun hurriedly run downstairs.

"Irin, are you going out?" Mother Chen asked in surprise.

"En." Joohyun said happily while trying to calm herself, "Mom, I'm going to climb the Great Wall so I may come back a bit late today."

"You're going with your classmates to climb the Great Wall?" Mother Chen asked.

"Ah, en." Joohyun nodded vaguely.

"Then you should put on another coat, it's cold in the mountains." As soon as it is December in the Imperial City, temperatures will slowly drop. Weather here wasn't like the south as it won't be warm even when the sun was out.

Joohyun ran back upstairs again and put on a loose baseball uniform before leaving the house.

Joohyun trotted all the way to the gate and turned to the right to see two black cars parked on the side of the road, a smiling Tian Fei was standing beside the car.

"Assistant Tian." Joohyun greeted happily.

Tian Fei waited until Joohyun got closer to the car before he opened the door to the back seat with a face full of smiles. Joohyun looked in and saw Lisa sitting inside, smiling softly towards her.

"Third Brother." Joohyun waved her hand joyfully.

"Come on in." Lisa said.

Joohyun got in obediently, because she ran all the way, Joohyun's breathing was a little ragged. When Lisa heard this, he frowned, got a bottle of water, unscrewed the lid, and handed it to Joohyun. He reproachfully asked, "Why run in such a hurry?"

"I'm afraid that you'd wait too long, ah." Joohyun raised her head and took a sip of water.

"We're not in a hurry, it's okay if you're a little late." Lisa said.

"But I want to go early, ah." Joohyun said excitedly, "I saw the Great Wall in a book when I was in elementary school. The teacher said that it was one of the eight wonders of the world. The world is so big, but there are only eight wonders and I'm going to see one of them soon, I'm so excited!"

"The eight wonders of the world don't mean there are only eight wonders in the world." Lisa corrected with a smile.

"How many wonders are there?" Joohyun asked with gleaming eyes.

"..." When Joohyun asked him so suddenly, Lisa didn't know how to answer. Actually, thinking about it carefully, there were many wonders in the world, of course it's impossible to have only eight, but the most widely known and recognized by the world seemed to be only these eight. From a certain perspective, what Joohyun said was quite right too.

"The most famous are these eight." Lisa had no other choice but to say so.

Fortunately, Joohyun wasn't a serious person, so she didn't dive further in this topic, her eyes were full of joy as she was about to see the Great Wall.

"Have you never been to the Great Wall with your classmates?" Joohyun had been in the Imperial Capital for more than three months. College students are the ones who have the most spare time, so Lisa couldn't help asking when he looked at Joohyun's appearance as if she was going there for the first time.

"No." Joohyun shook her head, "Most of my old classmates have never left Qingmu Province while my university classmates are completely the opposite. They seemed to have been everywhere and people who have never been to the Great Wall are so rare, moreover, it's still inside the Imperial Capital."

"I haven't been there yet." Lisa had lived in the Imperial Capital for almost thirty years of his life and had never been to the Great Wall even once. He felt a little dazed when he thought he was going today.

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