Chapter 115

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Half a month later.

Joohyun looked up from the piles of books, fumbled on the desk for a long time before finding her cell phone under a lecture notebook, which had a message just sent to her.

Lisa: Shall I pick you up after class?

Joohyun: Okay, (*^__^*) hee-hee...

After replying to the message, Joohyun looked at the time and found that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. After reading the notes in front of her that seemed to be impossible to finish, she scratched her hair irritably and let out a whimper.

Joohyun's leaves this semester were too long, and there was only a month left for the final exam. This directly caused her to plunge into the ocean of learning without having time to do anything after returning from Qingmang Mountain.

No, before studying, she did do one thing. As soon as her spiritual power recovered, she went to the Underworld with Lisa to visit Elder Wu.

Unfortunately, they were not able to see Elder Wu's soul. All they heard was Elder Wu's legend.

The original words of the legend teller, Xiang Nan, were like this: "The ghost that Niu Tou and Ma Mian captured and brought to the Underworld three days ago was your grandfather, right? He's called Wu Li. He has not yet reincarnated, but you cannot see him. He came to the Underworld and offended Mingwang on the first day.

Joohyun has always known that Elder Wu was fond of tricking people, but to her surprise, he even trapped himself: "How did he offend Mingwang?"

"It is said that he acted frivolously toward Mingwang's daughter." Xiang Nan said cautiously, "I heard that if it were not for your grandfather's great merit, if he were someone else, Mingwang would have let his soul scatter there and then."

"Mingwang's daughter?" Joohyun exclaimed incredulously, "The old man is too old for it."

"It's true. Everyone in the Underworld knows it. A new ghost named Wu Li set his eyes on Mingwang's daughter on the grounds of his merit," Xiang Nan confirmed.

"Then..." Joohyun stammered, "Then did Mingwang detain him?"

"Not at all. It's only because your grandfather is in the Underworld, he cannot return to the River of Forgetfulness without the special pass approved by Mingwang, so you will not be able to see him," Xiang Nan explained.

So just like that, Joohyun and Lisa's trip was in vain. When they left the Underworld, Joohyun specifically instructed Xiang Nan that once there was news of Elder Wu, he would immediately send a message to her, so that she could rush to the Underworld as soon as possible.

This wait lasted two weeks. To this day, Joohyun still hadn't received any news about Elder Wu from the Underworld, but some gossip in the Underworld would always abound from time to time, informing her that Elder Wu was still in the Underworld causing ruckus here and there.

Joohyun collected the review materials on the table, picked two of them to review over the weekend, and carried the rest back to the dormitory. Today was Friday, so she had a class later. After the class, she could go straight home for the weekend.

When Joohyun returned to the dormitory, her three roommates, who were particularly careful about their image outside and completely liberated their nature when they returned to the dormitory, were frantically fighting for something. Moreover, there was a faint scent in the air.

"What are you guys eating?" Joohyun put the book on the desk and asked suspiciously.

"Irin, you're back?" The three people didn't even have time to wipe the residue on their mouths. After giving Joohyun a glance, they went back to grabbing something.

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