Chapter 17

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Ten minutes after Joohyun entered the Lou family's courtyard, a low-key black car drove out of the small courtyard for the first time during the day and drove on the crowded road.

  Before leaving, Lisa called his mom, but the call wouldn't connect. Lisa had to send a message to his mom's cellphone saying that he will be there later. In fact, he actually wanted to suddenly appear outside his house and surprise his family. But considering his condition, Lisa gave up on this idea.

  There was a burst of coolness from the calming spirit talisman from his palm. Lisa subconsciously opened his hand and stared blankly at the bustling crowd outside the window for two seconds.

  There was a price to be paid to do anything in this world. The calming spirit talisman hurts his body but only this thing can let him go out like an ordinary person. He could go home and eat together with his family like an ordinary person. Lisa wasn't afraid to pay the price. What he feared was that no matter what price he was willing to pay, he wouldn't be able to get what he wants.

  Twenty minutes passed quickly, and the car stopped at the door of a Chinese-style courtyard. Lisa stood excitedly at the door but didn't knock. He took out his cellphone and looked at it. He found that his mom didn't reply back to his WeChat message. That chat box was still idle, waiting for the message he sent 20 minutes ago to be seen:

  (Mom, I'll be home in 20 minutes. I have a calming spirit talisman so that the evil spirits won't leak. But I can only stay at home for an hour. Don't tell Congcong, I want to surprise him.)

  Lisa hesitated, then called Mother Lou again but the call still didn't connect. Lisa then opened his sister Lou Jingxin's WeChat and video called her. Lou Jingxin just returned to China, so her phone wasn't able to receive calls. Thus, Lisa chose to do a WeChat video call. The video call connected after a while.

  "Lisa, why did you call me so early?" Lou Jingxin held her son Congcong who was playing in the garden.

  "Uncle, uncle." Congcong heard his uncle's voice and loudly called out through the phone screen. It was so loud that he could hear it behind the courtyard door.

  Lisa said with a gentle smile: "Sister, I'm outside the door."

  "You're outside the door?" Lou Jingxin was momentarily dumbfounded. Wasn't Lisa unable to leave the small courtyard casually?

  "Is uncle outside the door? I'll go and open the door for you." Congcong finished his words, slipped out of Lou Jingxin's arms, and ran all the way to the courtyard door.

  "Congcong, Congcong, wait..." Lou Jingxin was anxious and couldn't talk to Lisa. As soon as she released the phone, she ran after Congcong. Unfortunately, she was wearing high heels. It wasn't easy to walk on the grass so she couldn't catch up to her son who was like a bullet. She could only watch Congcong run to the gate, stretch out his hand to open the gate and rush out with excitement.

  Lisa crouched down and hugged the little guy running towards him.

  "Uncle, uncle, are you here to see me?" Congcong's big round eyes were full of joy.

  "Yes ah." Lisa nodded with a smile.

  At this time, Lou Jingxin also caught up and was at the door. When she saw her son in Lisa's arms, her face suddenly changed. Almost instinctively, she rushed over to pull Congcong out of Lisa's arms, turned around and ran back to the yard. She stopped once there was three meters between them.

  The smile on Lisa's face stiffened and his hand remained in the position of hugging Congcong. Lisa's eyes were full of astonishment as he looked at his elder sister.

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