Chapter 72

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When Elder Wu first passed the forbidden technique to Joohyun, he reminded her a hundred times not to use it casually if her cultivation level was insufficient. In light of Joohyun's previous laziness in cultivation, Elder Wu was quite confident that this girl probably would never have the chance to use this forbidden technique. However, who would have thought that not long after she left the village, she had the guts to use the forbidden technique without permission?

It was too dangerous to rob people from Yanwang, so he himself dared not use it casually. When he sensed that the forbidden technique was activated in the Internet cafe, he was so angry he itched to knock the head of his troublesome granddaughter with his long stem pipe.

Two hours later, Elder Wu arrived at the airport from the Internet cafe. He figured the forbidden technique should be over, so he took out his phone and called Joohyun again.

As a result, one, two, three... there was always a busy tone on the other end of the phone.

"Wicked girl, don't tell me she really encountered a mishap?" Elder Wu frowned at a rare occasion.

Ghost messengers couldn't take away the soul of a living at will, but under special circumstances where a person interferes with the Underworld's normal process, ghost messengers could capture the soul of a living to the Underworld. They'd decided how to deal with him/her after interrogation and conviction.

In other words, if Joohyun's soul was captured by a ghost messenger, then within 24r hours, her body in the present world would fall into a coma. However, after 24 hours, the Underworld's verdict would come down. If her crime was more serious, her living soul would be stripped of its vital qi, then she would die.

Elder Wu calculated the time. It would take about two hours to fly from the airport to the capital, and he traveled to the airport from the Internet cafe for about two hours. He still had 20 hours left. He intended to go to the capital to see Joohyun's situation first. It was best if she was fine. If her soul was indeed hooked, he would have to run a trip to the Underworld. Although, he really didn't want to go to the Underworld again before his life came to an end.

"Dear passengers, flight MU2066 to Beijing is delayed due to weather conditions. We advise passengers to be patient." An airport employee announced a flight delay without warning.

"Flight delay?"

"I knew the flight would be delayed. Blame it on the bad weather today."

"So when can we fly, ah?"

"Let's wait for the thunderstorm to pass. Hell knows when it will pass."

Hearing the voices of the passengers next to him, Elder Wu got up and walked to the glass window of the lounge. He looked up at the thick clouds, estimated the duration of the thunderstorm, and then resolutely walked to the bathroom in the airport lounge.

Although Elder Wu was an exorcist and wasn't proficient at geomantic omen and divination, he could still figure out some general celestial phenomena. When observing the sky and clouds, Elder Wu estimated that the thunderstorm would take about 12 hours to pass. Even if the plane took off after 12 hours, there would be no time to bring Joohyun back even if he found her.

Elder Wu walked to the bathroom, looked for the innermost compartment, went in, and locked it.

Since he couldn't contact Joohyun, he'd better go to the Underworld first to find out what was going on. If Joohyun's soul wasn't there, then it didn't matter if he travelled to the capital later. If Joohyun's soul was there, then he'd better go early than late.

After making up his mind, Elder Wu put down the toilet lid, simply sat on it, closed his eyes, and muttered a mantra silently. When his soul was separated from his body, Elder Wu's originally sitting upright body suddenly leaned weakly against the partition of the bathroom, looking lifeless.

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