Chapter 58

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Chief Zhang was dying to save his son, so he listened to Joohyun. He did not dare to delay for a moment and took Liu Xiucheng to the City God's Temple.

Joohyun also wanted to solve this matter sooner. Seeing how cooperative Chief Zhang was, the two hit it off. They left the hospital and drove all the way to the City God's Temple.

The City God's Temple was in the center of the capital and was considered a not-so-small tourist attraction, with countless daily visitors and a myriad of incense.

Seeing the steady stream of worshippers in front of the City God Temple, Chief Zhang was just about to ask Joohyun where to worship the City God when he saw a calm and introspective man with a military temperament coming through the side door of the main hall.

"Miss Joohyun, Master Mao has already asked permission from the person-in-charge of the City God Temple, Daoist Master Qinghe. You can use the side hall of the temple that isn't open to worship the City God," Tian Fei said with a smile, "The offerings and incense and candles are also ready."

"That's great. Where is the side hall?" Joohyun asked.

"I'll lead the way," Tian Fei said, turned around and led the way.

Joohyun did not say anything and followed. Chief Zhang did not know Tian Fei, but with someone leading the way, he let someone escort the pale-looking Liu Xiucheng and followed behind. It was only Chen Yang whose expression was quite complicated.

Was the relationship between Irin and the Third Young Master so good that she could just command his assistant at will?

In a short while, the crowd arrived at the side hall of the City God's Temple Daoist Master Qinghe was already waiting there. When he saw several people coming, he nodded at them in greeting from afar.

The crowd did the same and returned the salute.

"Daoist Master, I have to trouble you today," Joohyun said politely.

Daoist Master Qing He waved his hand and said: "This poor Daoist has been in the City God's Temple for decades and dedicated my day in and day out to him. I'm ashamed to say that I have never seen the City God's true form. If I have the honor to see the City God's true form today, this old Daoist will be content in this life."

"Then would you like to stay for a while to listen, Daoist Master?" They were borrowing someone's place, so letting him listen a little should be fine. In addition, Daoist Master Qing He had served the City God for so many years. The City God would certainly not mind.

"Then it's better to be respectful." Daoist Master Qing He waited here early in the morning. He didn't even go to the religious assembly in order to stay here and wait for the City God to appear.

While they were talking, everyone entered the side hall and found that there were tables full of the best incense candles. Everything was obviously arranged properly. Joohyun checked everything again and confirmed that everything was ready. All that was left was calling the God.

However, before calling the God, she still needed to clear the scene: "Except for Liu Xiucheng, everyone else should go out."

Hearing Joohyun's command, Tian Fei immediately turned around and went out, albeit with some regret

Before coming, Joohyun told Chen Yang that outsiders weren't allowed to be present when she was inviting the City God, so Chen Yang also went out without complaints.

Only Chief Zhang did not understand: "Can't we stay?"

"Chief Zhang, you want to see the City God in advance?" Joohyun was also upset with Chief Zhang, so she deliberately asked.

Believe It Or Not, I Already Caught You (Lisrene)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें