Chapter 32

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When Lisa returned to the study on the second floor, instead of first calling his mother, he made a video call to Master Mao. "Master Mao." Lisa frowned as he looked at Master Mao opposite him on the video call.

"Looks like you already met the Jiang family's miss." Even if it was something that involved his evil spirit breaking out, Lisa wouldn't wrinkle his brows like this in front of him. So, when Master Mao saw Lisa's expression on the video call today, he guessed the reason why Lisa contacted him.

"Sure enough, you tacitly consented to it?" Lisa was somewhat speechless, "I always thought that you were the person who understood me best."

"I understand your point, but I also understand your mother's." Master Mao sighed, "Miss Jiang's fate is one in millions, Madam Lou must have gone through a lot of effort to find her."

"But with my condition like this, wouldn't it only hold up others?" Lisa asked.

"If Miss Jiang understands your condition and is still willing, it might not necessarily be a bad thing." Master Mao sighed, "I shouldn't say these things, but I've watched you for so many years through the harsh road, what you did, and what you had to endure... Lisa, you're worthy."

"Master." Lisa asked, "I want to ask if I take off the jade clasp, can the other party not be harmed?"

"Impossible." Master Mao shook his head.

"Then... even if I don't take the jade clasp off, if one day the evil spirit in my body broke out again, can you be sure she will be fine?" Lisa asked again.

"It's also impossible." Master Mao continued to shake his head.

"Then, why do you say this might not necessarily be a bad thing?" Lisa said, "You can't. Just because you think I'm worthy, you're willing to sacrifice the life of an innocent girl."

"Do you remember what I asked you when I was young?" Lisa continued, "I asked you, Master Mao, I didn't do anything wrong, why did I become like this? Why would I hurt others even though I did nothing?"

Master Mao sighed a long breath. How could he forget?

"You couldn't answer. You could only deduce it was karma from the past." Lisa smiled bitterly, "I thought back then, what did I do in my previous life that my present life is like this? I didn't understand it, no matter how hard I thought about it, so I gave up thinking about it."

"Miss Jiang's fate is one in millions, if there really is karma from the past, then her fate must have been cultivated from her previous life too. If I harm another's culmination of good karma for my own gain, I'm afraid I would stay just like this in my next life." Lisa's voice was full of self-deprecation.

"I didn't mean it like that." Master Mao explained, "These past few years your control over the evil spirit in your body is really good. Also, during this time, the evil spirit's growth has slowed down. If you pay careful attention, you won't hurt the Jiang family's miss. Because of this, I gave tacit approval to your mother."

"Master Mao, I know you care about me, but... I hope when my mother comes to see you, you wouldn't help her with this again." Lisa requested, "If you really can't refuse, you should at least let me know."

"I understand!" Master Mao felt quite ashamed as he hung up the phone.

Lisa looked at the blank phone screen and was in a daze for a long time. He knew he should call his mother next, but he didn't know how to face his old mother.

Lisa once saw a sentence on the internet, it said after living alone for a long time, one will gradually get used to that kind of life. Although Lisa had long been accustomed to this lonesome life, he was more eager for a life where he could interact with others, where he can meet face to face, touch other people and be touched. The kind of life where everyone can laugh together by telling a joke.

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