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Luke is starting to catch on It's all going just the way I wanted. Once, I get him on his nerves it's all over. Make Rebecca see him as the bad guy, not me, I will be her hero, she is mine. Rebecca comes back with the sticks, and places them on the ground,

"Anyone got a lighter?" Rebecca calls out.

"I do" I hand over the lighter with a grin, From my peripheral view, Luke is building his tent while glaring at me. I told Luke the spot he is building in is perfect, turns out that spot has red ants everywhere. I look into my bag, and make sure everything is all there. This has to work. I check my pocket for my knife, perfect. Luke finishes building his tent, and I grin as he crawls inside. Rebecca lights up the campfire.

"Woohoo!" I throw my hands up in the air.

"I'll get the marshmallows" Rebecca says as she grabs my backpack instead of hers, just when she is about to finish unzipping my bag I yank it out of her grasp.

"What the hell? I'm just grabbing marshmallows." Rebecca says glaring at me.

"I... don't have any... I'm sorry." I shudder. I can't let Rebecca see what I have planned for us I'll let her know later, when Luke is taken care of. If I don't get rid of Luke he is going to get someone killed.

"What do you even have in there, if you don't even have marshmallows?" Rebecca snapped.

"You know normal hiking stuff," I say wiping the sweat from my forehead. Luke crawls out of his tent looking at both of us.

"What's going on?" I notice red bumps all over his body.

"Uhh.. just some marshmallows, what's up with you got a lot of red bumps all over you," I say with a smirk. Luke looks around his body, and begins scratching all over. Unexpectedly, Rebecca rushes over to him with a wet rag. Ugh, She isn't supposed to be helping him, she is supposed to be on my side. I try to mask my anger, by taking deep breaths soon, Noah.

Three years ago
"I'm telling you she is stunning!" I say with a big grin.
"Oh come on. You've been talking about Rebecca for months just ask her out," Luke nudges my shoulder.
"Tomorrow. I'll ask her out alright?"
"Ok then. You better do it before some else does."

The next day
As I close my locker I turn to my left, ready to tell Rebecca how I feel about her. As I slowly walk up to her, there he is Luke. Leaning against the locker. He grins as I walk towards them.
"So I was telling the guy. That he can't do shit- Oh hey Noah!" Luke pats me on my shoulder.
I clench my jaw, "What the hell."
"Slept on the wrong side of the bed. Bud?"
"I thought we where friends. Luke."
"We are! Anyways. Meet Rebecca," he puts his arms around her shoulder, "My Girlfriend."
And the next thing I know. I have been pinned against the locker clenching his collar.  "WHY!" Shouting at his face.
"Dude. Get off me!"
"What the hell are you doing Noah!" Rebecca grasps my forearm clawing my skin.
"R..Rebecca its not what it looks like." Glaring at Luke. Without thinking. I clench my fist lunging my fist into his nose. Cracking noises, then blood gushes out of his nose.
"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Kids' begin gathering around. All chanting throwing their fists up.
Rebecca lets out a hysterical scream, "What is wrong with you!" She starts hitting my back. "Let go of him!"
I let go of his collar he then collapses to the ground. Rebecca quickly kneels down to check on him.
Everything slows down. I look around I see the kids' mouths move but I can't hear them. The principal comes, and it's as if  someone decided to split the crowd. He begins moving towards me. He's shouting at me but I can't seem to comprehend. The only sounds I can hear is my heart beat, and the adrenaline coursing throughout my body.

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