Pt. 2

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"If Luke messages me ONE MORE TIME! I'm going to seriously lose it Emily what should I do."I frown.

Luke, has been repeatedly calling, and texting me ever since I told him about taking a break. He just seemed so into my life I felt I needed space. He was everywhere I went I just needed a breather, But it seems he thought otherwise.

"Block him."Emily shrugs. Emily, has been my friend, since kindergarten. Maybe she's right I should block him, but I can't do that to him he'd be even more heartbroken. As I take a look at the message I realize it's an offer. A camping trip? How is that going to "fix" our relationship. Why is he so desperate. Maybe it can what's there to lose anyways? I can give him another chance maybe he isn't the way I pictured him like?

I text back, sure

he immediately messages back, thank you! You won't regret it, it's going to be so much fun, next week on Monday, at two, fine?

I type back yeah. I shut off my phone, and place it on my nightstand.

"Well Emily, I'm going hiking," I flop onto my bed.

"I thought you said a break?"

"Yeah, but maybe he deserves another chance he is cute," Blushing. I ruminate back to the good times we would go to the bowling alley, the arcade we'd laugh together, and have a great time Luke was my first kiss and it was amazing, his dirty blonde hair, and ice blue eyes that seemed to always have a faint of joy, and his muscular body. Luke was very, well kept he was... Perfect just after a few months of dating he slowly got closer than normal at first, I didn't mind sure enough he got to the point that felt like he was stalking me, he'd be in places I never told him about, a real life camera anywhere I went.

"Rebecca, are you seriously going to go with that stalker? Up a mountain," Emily rolls her eyes. And throws her hands up in the air.

"Maybe he isn't a stalker just he loves me," I shrug.

"Oh come on, of course he loves you he is obsessed with you Rebecca, get that through your naive head!" Emily shakes her head.

"Fine. This is his last chance if it doesn't work out from this I'll block him, and move on with my life deal?"

"Ok deal anyways I have to go I can't stay at your place forever," Emily gives me a side hug, and leaves. I sigh looking up at the ceiling, and ask myself why I'm going out hiking with my ex who may be a stalker.

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