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Well, it's been a week since Luke told me about the camping trip he says he's inviting Noah, I don't know him much he's quite shy, mysterious in a way. Haven't seen him in quite some time, maybe he has changed as well. As I continue to pack my bags with camping gear. I hear a knock on the door.

"Rebecca get the door!" Mom calls out. I make my way downstairs, and quickly brush my hair down looking at myself in the mirror, and getting the confidence to open the door I yank the door open.

"Hey," Luke says shyly as he brushes his dirty blonde hair. Wow, he has changed quite a bit. He seems a bit taller, and more tired and it seems he has gained weight this breakup took a toll on him.

"Hey, umm.. come in do you want anything?" I quickly head to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee.

"Sure, I'll take a coffee thanks." Luke takes a seat on the couch as I prepare some coffee.

"So, is Noah coming or is he already at the campsite?" Pouring the coffee into a cup I hand it over to Luke.

"Yeah, he'll be at the campsite thanks by the way." Luke smiles in my direction. I suddenly feel a rush of emotion that smile, can make you melt in awe, his pearly white teeth I always loved his smile. Suddenly, I feel my face getting warm I quickly make my way to the bathroom without saying a word to Luke. As I shut the door I look at myself in the mirror, What I'm I doing? He hasn't been in my house for not even five minutes, and I'm already falling for him! Pull yourself together! I rinse my face with cold water, and grab my hiking bag.

Making my way back downstairs, "sorry about that had to do something, you ready to go?"

"Ready when you are my lady" Luke bows as he opens the front door.

"Woah, what a gentleman" I giggle. Here goes nothing, I walk out the door, and breathe in the noon air. This is it if this camping trip doesn't bring us together I don't know what will.

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