𝟏𝟐 | 𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐲

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Quite frankly, revulsion isn't the word I'd use to describe how I feel about myself. Rather than revolted, I'm nauseous. The sinful antics I went ahead with merely a day ago have been swarming my mind. And not in a good way. That is solely the root of such revulsion.

I mentally have to fight back the vomit crawling it's way up my throat every time my brain decides to bring up that I allowed Volkov to touch me. Sexually. In a way only one man has before. And I'd much rather rip my own head off than go through with anything similar ever again. I'm truly engrossed by it. He fucked me with my gun.

And what did I do with the said gun? I watched it burn up in flames and proceeded to get myself a new one. I'm certainly not going to have such a distasteful memory lingering around with me, essentially wrapped around my thigh twenty-four seven.

I focus my gaze onto the blooded man ahead of me, slumped in a chair. The presumed traitor is missing a few limbs, and a few teeth, and if he doesn't fess up in approximately five minutes he'll much rather prefer being dead than alive.

I cautiously slide my hand into the blue rubber glove, the material feeling flimsy and outworn yet it's brand new. We really do have to invest in better gloves.

The man's eyes are terrified, bulging out of his sockets and I smile. Terror I almost certainly thrive off, nothing feels better than knowing the other person is willing to do anything just to avoid you and the damage you may cause.

"You have one more chance, Hugo." I hum, stepping closer to the metal utensils that are laid out on a table. Hugo exemplifies his fear by letting out a high pitched scream as I reach out for the drill.

"Ya sabes cómo trabajo. Hablar y dejar de ser un coño." I scan his features as he shuts his blood-filled mouth, and contemplates his upcoming response. I'm almost certain he's finally going to give his act up, but instead, he decides to hand his life over to me by not saying anything. (Translation - Spanish "You know how I work. Speak up and stop being a pussy")

"I p-promise I d-didn't." Hugo stutters, eyeing the drill that's now turned on and vibrating in my hand, letting a drilling noise out.

"You promise?" I give him a fake look of pity as I soak in his fear.

"Sí-" I cut him off by abruptly pressing the drill down into Hugo's hand, blood splattering everywhere. The room is immediately filled with the sounds of his blood-hurdling screams and the drill attacking his hand.

After finally having enough of enjoying his torture, I pull the drill out without struggle and press the stop button.

Hugo's practically drenched in his own blood, and as I glance down I notice a wet patch on his crotch and my body shivers in response.

One thing I hate seeing when in the middle of torturing, is the being's bodily fluids. I know myself that I'm easily repulsed by a majority of situations, but this tops all of them.

I take a step back as Hugo falls unconscious and ultimately I decide I'll continue with this tomorrow. I'm going to spare him with the easy way out by dying quickly and essentially painlessly, instead I'll ensure he dies slowly. And in utter agony.

He was the only one, aside my brother, who I told about the ball. My papá is still clueless about me actually going through with it, so with them two out of the picture, Hugo is quite obviously the person who ratted this family out.

Ultimately, if he decided to betray me about a damned ball, fuck knows what else he's blabbered about to everyone in the outside world. And I won't have loose ends prancing around without suffering consequences.

I peel the blood-stained gloves off my hands slowly in order to ensure I don't get Hugo's blood onto me. No matter how psychotic I am for enjoying the feeling of torturing others, I will always hate having remainders of the people on me.

I place the latex gloves onto the tray, pressing the bell underneath it to send a buzzer to my men to inform them to start clean-up. This room, or much rather prison, carries a stench that no man alive would ever wish to smell.

I wander to the door, placing my thumb onto the biometric authentication system, and the light goes green underneath it almost instantly which slides the metal door open.

Before me, when my papá was in charge, the security around this house was utterly shit. Anyone could pass in and out through all these rooms with a simple keycard that was an easy vulnerability to us as a family. God, when my father punished me by taking it away from me, a day didn't go by where I didn't pick-pocket one of his many men.

No one underneath him was trained properly. All were pathetic, weak, showed no sense of control. Whereas with me, everyone knows their jobs and how to do it appropriately. Well, except from one or two, but they suffered their desired fate.

After a couple of minutes, I'm already in front of my bedroom door, my hand reaching out to grasp the handle and unlock it. As I walk in, my phone lights up, indicating that I've received a notification.

I've been avoiding my room lately. It's strange. Normally, I'm always hiding in here, like a lost puppy yet now I can't shake the feeling of being watched continuously in here. I've had my brother check almost every square inch of these four walls, yet nothing was found.

I let out a sigh as I plummet myself onto the bed, my face hitting my pillow as I groan. I move my hand around my duvet, trying to find my phone as soon as I hear another notification come through. I find the cold technological device and bring it in front of my face as I read out the message.

An unsettling feeling is sent straight through my body.

Best to send the invite out now, Angel.

I don't like to be kept waiting.

This chapter is so short for my liking.
In the future I'll most likely add in some more.

But I couldn't let this chapter not get posted as it leads into the next chapter which is going to be interesting;)

Feel like you guys deserve a teaser, so here you go.
A quote from the man himself;)

"I will fill your life with me inch by inch. My presence will silently kill you. You won't know anything but me, and I fear that that'll be your downfall, printsessa."

Thank you for reading, and my apologies for the chapter.

I'll try my best to add a few more things in tomorrow x

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