𝟏𝟖 | 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥

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One thing I absolutely despise in this world is begging.

Normally, my vocabulary would never consist of the singular word 'please' and quite frankly I'm repulsed that I even dared to say it, let alone whimper it.

I want to shrivel up into a whole and die as as I observe the man-in-front-of-me's demeanour change. Where he once wore rather playful, frustrated facial expressions, there isn't an ounce of them left as he quickly realises what my response was to his crude inquiry.

Nikolai's eyes drastically darken, and his grip on my thigh leaves me shaken as he rolls his jaw. If I believed he was sexually frustrated before, I don't even want to know what's going on in his mind currently.

"Look at you, sitting on my lap begging for me." If I was completely delusional, I'd believe he just mocked me. But considering how many encounters I've had with this bastard in front of me, I know he's doing anything but.

As I maintain his eye contact, I contemplate whether to give in to my needs and slice his neck open. However, considering how psychopathic this man is, he'd possibly enjoy it and threaten me with an even better time.

Like, bending me over and filling me to the brim.

"Cat got your tongue, angel?" A smirk appears on his lips and he taunts me, and I'm hating every single moment of this. All of a sudden, I'm regretting agreeing to his request because it's gotten me anything but information.

Instead, I'm left desperate and needy for a release and Nikolai's possibly the only one who's able to hand it to me on a platter.

He's a bastard, and I despise him.

Hell, he's even making my father have a run for his money.

"No, but I can rip yours out." I speak through clenched teeth and he slightly tilts his head back releasing a low chuckle, and this moment alone fuels me with the anger that one shouldn't feel. Ever.

"You're hilarious." Nikolai says, this time managing to face me and drop his smile, making me think it was all an hallucination and I'm on drugs.

I roll my eyes, and for payback I dig my hips down onto his harder and he lets out a harsh grunt, almost warning me to cut my behaviour the fuck out.

However, I don't.

I rather enjoy seeing him so powerless over me, it stimulates me in a way I believe nothing else actually can. The way all that Nikolai does in response is tighten his grasp on my thigh and let out noises that most likely have the devil squirming from down below.

I'm power-hungry and there is certainly no doubt about it. No matter how much power I have in the real world, I love the feeling of domination. The authority I hold over just being positioned on top of Nikolai almost sends me into a frenzy.

"Cut that the fuck out." Nikolai groans and even though his head is tilted backwards, I'm certain all that his face holds is rage.

I'm almost sure we share the same amount of hatred for not having utter control in a situation. If he had me pinned underneath him, and he'd be teasing me just like I am now, I'm definite that I would've lost it by now. So good on him.

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