𝟏𝟎 | 𝐛𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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Lorenzo is one stupid son of a bitch, and he really does weigh the intelligence of the males species down.

Not like there's anything to weigh down, but it's the principle of it.

When I told him I'd speak about our marriage another day I definitely didn't mean at the blind of dawn the next day. So you can only imagine the horror I feel when I wake up and the first thing I'm greeted with is his face directly above mine, his lean body bending over at the waist over the side of my bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I spurt out, immediately rushing to pull the covers up, not realising that I'm already wrapped around with it. The Italian smirks, his piss-coloured teeth showing. I fight back the bile rising in my throat as I manoeuvre myself to sit upright against my bed frame.

"You told me you'll talk to me another day, princess. Today is another day." Lorenzo shoots me a goofy smile and I want to rip his yellow teeth out of his gums. Additionally, I almost want to rush him to my bathroom so he can wash his mouth out with mouthwash as I inhale his breathe. And I thought he couldn't get worse.

"I don't remember giving you permission to call me by that horrible nickname or to enter my room." I raise an eyebrow at him, and his smile disappears and instead, it's replaced with a look of nerves. "Get the fuck out!" I yell, he's not very good at taking the hint from what I've gathered.

As he rushes out of my bedroom, obviously petrified and thinking I'll pull a knife out on him if he doesn't do what I say and I mean, he definitely isn't wrong, He nearly fucking trips. He's meant to be an heir to the fucking Italians and second hand embarrassment isn't even the correct term for what I feel for him right about now.

As I finish getting ready and tidying my room, once again, the coward decides to make an appearance unannounced. It's only 10:00 and I'm already on the verge of adding another someone to my kill list. That person's name begins with L.

"If we're going to fucking talk, wait outside my damn office." I turn around, and his shoulders tense, eyebrows furrowing. I'm convinced Lorenzo doesn't even know the English language, because he's so oblivious to everything and so up his own ass. My mouth drops agape to start screaming at him, but Lorenzo beats me to it and hurriedly turns on his heels and leaves.

I roll my shoulders in order to put a sense of relief through my body, and that does the trick as i soon enough don't feel the frustration I just did. And with that, I leave my bedroom, ensuring I lock it before making my way down to the corridor where Lorenzo is waiting for me. I barge past him, purposely making sure to not touch him in anyway as just the thought of another being making contact with me sends shudders down my spine. Physical touch is fucking gross, and I'll do my best to ensure it doesn't occur.

I settle myself into my desk chair, the smell of books flowing up my nose. This room is packed to the brim with shelves containing, what I presume, millions of books. Old, new, romance, fantasy, everything. You name it, I have it. Many people don't expect that from me, that I actually enjoy reading. However, with my life I barely have enough me-time to genuinely sit down and pick up a good book in order to get lost in someone else's life for a few hours. That's the only thing that I miss before I got such a powerful role in this family.

Lorenzo, without an invitation, sits down into the seat positioned opposite me and makes himself comfortable. You're not meant to make yourself comfortable in a leader's office. Especially not in their presence, but clearly he lacks fucking brain cells. My father must be floating on drugs if he thought me marrying this man would make my life better, and even worse, carry on family legacy. I sure as fuck do not want his genes being passed on to my children. Nor do I want his dick up my vagina.

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