24 Feb 2023

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I dreamt that I was at this small concert, kind of a music show in a cafe. Like you can order things and then there are some people singing, and I was there because I work there, or is helping at that day idk. So first played my old classmate from 3rd grade the drums 💀 (yes my real classmate from 3rd grade). I was helping someone serve pears and apples to the small crowd.

The next person to sing was Yoongi, my friend from last year. We both changed school's after last year but we were in the same class for 9 years. He SANG on stage with around 5 other people playing instruments. He sang beautifully and his voice was dark. The song isn't released in real life and let me tell you this.. it was bad. There was like a guitar, drums, triangle and tambourine that were all not in sync..
Yoongi stood at the left of the stage, near the tambourine as a black haired woman held the tambourine. People sat silent as I ran around serving pears.

When it ended I clapped and went up to Yoongi. "Yoongi," I called. For some reason I was kind of nervous wether I should called him Suga or Yoongi for some reason even tho he is my friends. His name sounded weird from me, like I don't say it often. "Good job. You did well." He stared at me blankly. "Don't you remember me? We are in the same class."

"WERE in the same class," both said at the same time. He said it blankly as I corrected myself. "Yeah yeah whatever, were. How's your new school? You did good on stage btw," I said.

"Why do you care?"

"We are friends!"

"Were friends," he corrected. My heart dropped at that. "Thanks, now go serve your pears." He smiled, making me feel at ease, knowing that he is joking. He has always been rude, teasing me here and there and keeping a straight face but we were friends anyway and sometimes we did joke around.
I just walked away after that.

My mind is linking yoongi with someone real in my life that's why I knew his personality and our friendship history so much hehe. But why the heck am I dreaming about him and more specifically why as yoongi?!

(Have y'all heard of Yoongi's tour? 🥹 Are you going?)

Thanks for reading my dream lol

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