"Once these kick in I will be," I said with a small smile before downing the last one. I knew I shouldn't be doing this. I knew I was breaking my promise to myself about not being like my mother. But I was already three shots in so there was no point in turning back now.

Thankfully the rest of the team joined us before JJ and Penelope could say anything else.

"Damn, yall started the party before we could get here!" Luke said with a laugh as he pointed to the empty glasses.

"Pen and I haven't had a sip of alcohol yet, that's all Y/n," JJ said with a slightly concerned laugh. I looked up and made eye contact with Emily. I immediately darted my eyes away. Unfortunately for me, Emily walked over and took her place at the table right beside me.

The team immediately fell into lively conversation. However, within thirty minutes I was already starting to feel the effects of the shots. I knew it was wrong to like how I felt, but I did. I loved the buzzing feeling in my brain that made things funnier than they should be. I loved how all my thoughts seemed to be drowned out.

I could feel Emily's eyes on me the entire time but ignored them. I knew the second I looked at her I would come crashing back to reality, and that's what I was trying to avoid.

Over the course of the night Luke, Penelope, JJ, and Tara had also become increasingly intoxicated. Dave and Matt left early leaving Reid and Emily to watch us.

I had taken another two shots with JJ, whose concern for me left as soon as the alcohol touched her lips. "Let's do another one!" JJ slurred into my ear as she gave me a big hug. "I love you Y/n, not like how I love Will though. But like really really close! You're like my best friend and sister wrapped into one human being." JJ yelled into my ear before giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. For some reason, this caused both of us to double over in laughter.

I made my way over to the bar again leaving JJ behind. I was really starting to feel the effects of the alcohol now. Everything felt fuzzy and even walking normally felt like a challenge. I got to the bar and ordered two shots of vodka when I felt someone slip into the seat next to me. I didn't have to look to know who it was.

"Y/n, I think it's time to head home." She said quietly. She had been following me all night trying to get me to stop drinking but I ignored her every time.

"You think so?" I asked turning toward her.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, I don't," I said as I grabbed the two shots that the bartender had just placed in front of me. I was walking back towards JJ when I felt Emily's hand lightly grab my bicep.

"I'm serious, Y/n. You've had way too much to drink." She said concerned. I turned to look at her but everything was kind of blurry. I couldn't make out her facial features.

"I'm serious too. Like, even more serious than you're being right now." I said trying my best not to slur my words, even though I knew my efforts weren't working.

All of a sudden she took the shots out of my hands and put them on a random table. "Hey-" I said as I reached for them again.

"Grab, your stuff Y/n. We're leaving." Emily said authoritatively, her unit chief voice coming out. I crossed my arms, "You don't get to tell me what to do." I scoffed although my voice came out wobbly.

"Yes, I can. You can either cooperate with me or I will drag you out of this bar." She said as she walked closer to me. I don't know if it was the alcohol, but her words were turning me on way more than they should be.

"Fine," I said dragging along my words. I have no clue what came over me but I quickly reached for the shots that Emily placed on the table and downed one of them before Emily could stop me. Tonight was my reserved night for alcohol so I might as well go out with a bang.

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