Chapter 23:Mr.Torres

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And that when Desmond rolled over onto the floor and Paris covered herself up with the cover,

My dad:Paris you realize you aint gotta sneak and have sex right?


My dad:i know that all my kids are sexually active now even Simone i have cameras around the hosue

Paris:shit Harmonee forgot to turn them off dumb ass

My dad:look son if you wanna be with my daughter then come to me like a man and ask to court her this how we used to do it back in the day for the most part

Desmond:yes sir

My dad:get your fucking clothes on and both of you come out and let an old man talk to yall,

And thats when my dad left out the room,

And Paris had never been more confused im her whole life,

But her and Desmond got dress and meet up with dad in the kitchen,

As they both got in the kitchen they saw my dad holding the baby as he handed my baby sister to jayde,

My dad:so are yall using protection?

Paris:dad I can't have kids no I didn't find any need in using a condom we trust each other

My dad:ok and whats your name son?

Desmond:Desmond Graystone II

My dad:wait your the grandson of thee Desmond Graystone

Desmond:yes sir

My dad:i like you already your grandfather is a legend do you know that he slept with his record producers wife


My dad:im sorry your grandfather is just that nigga

Desmond:thank you

My dad:so are you and my daughter are thing?

Paris:yes we are

My dad:mmmm.... Son do you care about my daughter?

Desmond:yes sir i lover her

My dad:I would hope so cause I don't play about my girls and she had brother's and uncles that don't play either so just treat her right and don't disrespect her

Desmond:yes sir

My dad:well yall can go back to humping each other I'm going to sleep....

And that's when my dad and Jayde went upstairs,

After that night Alavro eventually got over my little out burst and we were cool again,

As the month of September came in My dad and jayde had started the wedding arrangements,

She wanted a big wedding,

And like my dad would always say,

My dad:whatever baby girl wants she gets

And she does get whatever she wants,

Like the pussy must be good as fuck cause he would give her the world on a silver platter,

But I'm glad that my old ass father has someone that he truly cares about and can settle down with,

Soon all his kids will be grown and out on there own and that lowkey scared my dad cause he knew how hard it was out here and my sisters are spoiled and my dad shielded them alot,

He always tried his best to protect them but now they gotta go out here and see what it's really like....

3 months later......

It was now December,

Wow how the season changes,

My brother Dorian and his girlfriend had there baby it was a little girl,

Davi and his kids we're doing good them little heathens,

Naw I'm just playing i love my cousins,

Me and Alvaro have been together for almost a year,

Desmond and Paris have been together for 4 months now,

Simone and tianna started dating in September,

And harmonee got her a lil boo thang as well,

Diez had took his team to championships and won,

And how and his girlfriend have been together for a long time and there kid is good too,

Me and my grandpa created a good relationship since the lil incident,

And now in the month of December my dad and jayde were finally getting married....

The wedding was color themed black and red,

And it looked like something off a movie it was beautiful,

And as Jayde walked down the aisle my dad began to cry seeing his soon to be wife,

That was the first time that i had ever seen my dad cry he was a strong man,

But as she approached the altar the wedding started,

They both said there vows and the pastor said his his shit then he hit that,

Pastor:"you may now kiss your bride"

And my dad leaned her back and kissed her,

And then they ran out of that place and into a just married car and rode off into the sunset...

They went on their honeymoon for like a week and its was alot of space and opportunity,

And my sisters went wildike they usual would and had everybody and they mama at the house,

Or just inviting there significant other over th fuck,

Damn we were truly growing up...

And its been tough growing up with these son of bitches but I wouldn't trade it for the world i love my family,

Were crazy,spoiled and we do fucked up shit,

But you gotta look at the good also and look at everything we do,

It cause from the heart and what we go thru cause being in the spotlight your whole life isn't always sun shine rainbows,

The papa, Roxy are ruthless and evil people,

And when its comes to fame not everyone makes it out,

But my dad did it and strucked the iron and retired in peace....

When they got back from there honey moon they were now Mr. And Ms.Torres....

One night after Jayde put down the baby she hopped on top of my dad and said,

Jayde:i want another baby

My dad:huh

Jayde:i want another baby at least one more

My dad:where did this come from?

Jayde:I don't know i just want a son like a minnie you i want him to have your nose eyes hair everything

My dad:but im tired

And that's when Hayde took off her shirt revealing her bra,

Jayde:come on old man I thought that whatever i wnat i got


And that night my dad and jayde made Love trying to have another baby like jayde wanted...

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