Chapter 12:They know

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After the rape happened Paris started to distance herself,

And she just seemed more down the usual,

And my dad caught on to this,

It was the 3rd week of November,

It was thanksgiving time,

All of our family had came down to Houston,

And everything was going well,

Better then last time,

Its was November 23 thanksgiving day,

As we all sat down at the table and talked Paris began to act weird,

My grandma:Paris are you ok?


Christina:so Jayde how's the pregnancy going?

Jayde:its not for the weak i can say i hope its a boy

Christina:Well old man its looks like you got your hands full

My dad:yep thats what it looks like

Christina:i swear you just can't pull out can you?

My dad:.....


Christina:its ok tho you do what you wanna do i guess you can take care of this one at least

My dad:whats your problem

Christina:i had a miscarriage

My dad:when?

Christina:a lil while ago when we went back to fucking with each other

My dad:ok and how is that my fault?

Christina:i never said it was you were suppose to be mine

Jayde:well he's mine now so bitch watch

Christina:bitch shut the fuck up cause your nothing but a wet ass pussy to him having a child won't change shit cause all he's gone do is go a find another wet tight pussy this man can't love the only woman that he ever truly loved was Carmen and he cheated on her too

My dad:Christina?


My dad:look this was before yall were born were weren't even dating for a month yet

Harmonee:that makes it even worse

My dad:....

Christina:its ok tho congrats

Me:who did you cheat with?

My dad:I can't say

Harmonee:why the fuck not?

My dad:Harmonee please not right now?

Davi:Leg come on man

My dad:davi how bout you come on you fucked my ex wife before we officially got divorced


After that was said Paris jumped up outta her seat,


Everyone got silent and jusy began to look at Her,

Paris was holding her privates and was sweating bullets,

My dad:baby what's wrong

Paris:my my my

And thats when Paris passed out....

We rushed her to the hospital,

And they began to run test on her to see what was wrong...

We all had to wait out in the waiting room,

Christina:Leg I'm so sor......

My dad:you have nothing to be sorry about I'm sorry

And thats when my dad took a deep breath and said,

My dad:I'm too old for this shit

And a few minutes later a nurse came out and said,

Nurse:are you a parent or guardian?

My dad:yes

Nurse:and mom?

Thats when My mom Ryley got up and said,

Ryley:im the God mom

The nurse then shook her head and took them both in the back,

My mom and Carmen was close and Carmen made Ryley the Godmother of all of her kids,

When Carmen died Ryley took it hard that was like her sister....

When they got to the room Paris was sat up just looking at the wall,

And My dad and ryley went up to her and gave her a hug,

My dad:are you ok you can't scare me like that

Paris:I'm ok now

And thats when the nurse began to speak,

The nurse:its kinda serious would you like your parents to be in here or not?

Paris:just say it...

The nurse:Its chlamydia

My dad:what?

All of them were shocked,

Ryley:are you having sex?


My dad:Paris you better speak up now

Ryley:hey give her time



and thats when they started to go back and forward,

Paris:i was raped

My dad:what?

Paris:look it was my fault ok I'm dealing with it

Thats when my dad took a deep breath and said,

My dad:when mmm when did this happen?

Paris:the beginning of this month

My dad:3 weeks ago

Paris:dad please just leave it alone Uncle Dee took care of it

My dad:what you mean Uncle Dee took care of it Davi knew and didn't tell me?



Thats when my dad left out the room and went to the waiting room,

Davi:is she ok?

My dad:Motherfucker

Thats when my dad punched Davi in the face and they began fighting and had to be broke up by security,

My dad:you son of a bitch my daughter was raped and you didn't tell me

Davi:she didn't want me to i took care of it Leg

My dad:my babygirl my God

Thats when they put Davi and my father out...

Davi:the guys name is Jaylen Fats Leg

My fathers face went cold,

My dad:your telling me that a fats boy hurt my baby

Davi:yeah and i beat the fuck outta him and shot him in the dick I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I didn't know how....

Thats when my dad pulled Davi in and hugged him and began crying,

My dad:I couldn't even protect my own daughter

Davi:its ok we gone handle it

My dad:imma find that bastard and lock his ass up

Davi:lets do it....

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