Chapter 18:only time will tell

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As the month of may came in.....

Dorian had woke up from his coma...

While he was in his coma i had to tkae on alot of responsibility like taking care of his girlfriend and stuff like that but i had it in the bag,

He had to stay in the hospital for another week but when he got out he was gonna be on bed rest for a lil bit but he was good,

I'm so thankful that God Decided to let me keep my brother I don't know what I would do without him....

Davi's paternity test came back positive it was his son,

He wanted to have his som come and stay with him for a lil while so he could finally get to know his real father since he wasnt there for the past 19 years of his life....

We welcomed Josiah into the Torres family with open arms,

And one day during May Jayde's water broke and she had to be rushed to the hospital....

And as soon as she got there she went into birth,

And we were all there so this is little nigga come out,

Anotehr edition to the Torres Family,

My dad is getting to old to be raising babies all he had to do was keep peter in the gate or wrap it up but now like we say "It feels better without the condom",

I'm so glad I'm gay i aint gotta worry about using shit cause I can't get Alvaro pregnant lol,

But jayde pushed and pushed and pushed and boom,

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl,

And they decided to name her....

My dad:Sophia Whitney Torres......

A few days after Jayde gave birth i went back to LA with my boyfriend,

And everyone went back to their regular life,

And everything was going good with Davi and his son intill,

Davi:Josiah its time to take your medicine

Josiah:what if I don't wanna take it

Davi:you have to


Thats when Josiah began to ran around the house as Davi chased him,

Davi:boy get back here

Thats when Josiah ran in the bathroom and locked it,

And davi went to the door and began to bang on it,


Tabitha:baby your scaring him

Davi:I'm not trying to but I'm getting frustrated

Tabitha:just calm down you got this

Thats when Davi nodded his head,

Davi:Josiah i'm sorry can you okease open the door no


Davi:you have to come on

Thats when Josiah thwn cracked the door and Davi came in,

Davi:why don't you wanna take it?

Josiah:I don't like the way it makes me feel

Davi:how does it make you feel

Josiah:it makes me feel down its suppose to calm me down

Davi:like adhd medicine

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