Chapter 9:Somewhere in Dallas

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As the month of august went by Simone had seem to be getting better as my dad was taking her to therapy for what neither will say but I'm glad that she's getting the help she might need,

As september came in my dad decided to make a trip down to Dallas

Its been a whole month since my dad got some pussy and he had been talking to this girl on instagram and I ain't even gone lie she was bad as fuck,

But yeah he went down to Dallas to meet up with her cause like i said my dad is a celebrity who wouldn't wanna sleep with his 37 or not he still getting it on i guess,

But yeah the girls name was Jaydeand she's 20 years old legal pussy,

When he got to dallas he went to her apartment and they just hung out for a little while intill as you know,

My dad decided to fuck her with no protection what a good example for your kids sir cause you still ain't learn your lesson from you first 6 fucking kids but do what you do I meant what i said,

I'm not watching nomore kids I'm bout to be 18 and out this bitch I'm go and move in my own apartment and fuck my boyfriend whenever i want,

Cause you see I'm with a man we don't have to use protection because I can't get the nigga pregnant but i know what yall are thinking,

"Theres a such thing as diseases"

I get a monthly check up my shit straight,

But yeah,

My dad soon returned after a week of being in dallas...

Every September we all come together as a family and play series of games and eat dinner together,

So it was my uncles,my grandparents,Christina,my boyfriend every fucking body,

And i swear to the heavens above better jot nobody start with the bullshit cause i know all the family tea everything and i will read everyone in the room,

It was the second week of September and everybody was now here in Houston at the house,

Its a big ass house with alot of rooms so space wasnt the problem,

The problem was my mom,

I already knows how she gets around Christina she hates her and had every right to but she trys to be civil for the sake of us and Diez,

So the first two nights went by well,

It was now the third night and all hell was about to break loose....

As we all sat down and ate my grandpa said to me,

My grandpa:So what made you get into liking boys?

Me:what you mean

My grandpa:i mean theres alot of nice GIRLS out there for you

Me:i dont wanna nice girl i want Brian

My grandpa:but why I don't understand

Me:its not for you to understand its for you to accept or to get the fuck outta my face

Ryley:aye watch the way your talking to him thats your grandfather

Me:excuse my language grandfather

My grandfather:how do yall feel about this

My grandpa said this as he looked to my grandma on my dads side and my parents

My other grandma:i love my grandson for who he is and what he represents he is able to love who ever he wants

My dad:just like that

My grandpa:Ryley?

My mom:i love my son regardless

Thats when i then looked at my grandpa,

My grandpa:what is wrong with you Torres whats wrong with you Ryley?

My mom:not a thing father I'm just tryna do better with my kids then you did with me you we're barely around out working or cheating

The whole table then got quiet,

My grandpa:don't speak of what you don't know

My mom:trust me i know ive seen all the women you use to bring in the house and fuck on you and moms bed

My grandpa:.....

My mom:and mom you knew and still stayed so don't try and sit here and try and tell me about my kids and while were at it FUCK YOU CHRISTINA

Christina:i aint said shit at this point you just wanna nick pick

My mom:you ruined my fucking marriage

Me:now hold on mama I can't let you hope on Christina like that cause it takes two to tangle dad is just as guilty come on mama damn that was 18 years ago let it go cause if we tryna pull skeletons out the closet then lets do it...

My mom:Luxury stay outta this

Me:no mom cayse shit aint gone be resolved intill i put everyone on the fucking spot so lets do it

My mom:....

Me:Christina is a whore home wrecker slut and what ever else you can come up with but mom didn't you sleep with Davi while you and my dad was getting divorce cause yall were legally still together so yeah....and I don't blame him mom your crazy and a man can only take so much Christina is chill asf and thats someone that dad could go to and have peace there was never any peace at home i dont ever see how tony did it cause i heard every argument.::

My mom:....

Me:and Dad you aint shit your an amazing father but you can't stop sticking your dick in everything like how you and Christina went back to sleep with each other does she know about that tight ass 20 year old in dallas that you spent and week with and probably was fucking her every waking minute..

My dad:.....

Dorian:Luxury your outta line

Me:no cause why can't we all just get along and spend time with eachother LET SHIT GO GOTDAMN

Thats when i got up and went to my room as Brian came behind me,

My mom:he's so right


My grandpa:.....

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