Chapter 3:Figure it out

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For the rest of the month i tried my best to just focus on school and my career,

Weightlifting was helping me stay in shape i mean im in a good shape i got ads and muscle n shit but you gotta keep it upif you want it to stay that way,

as the month of January went by....

My dad wanted me and my siblings to attend this little meet and greet so we went,

I was all for meeting fans and new people,

As the walked around the event I accidentally bumped into this dude,

Me:my bad man

The dude:naw you good big dog

Thats when i got a good look at him

The dude:Luxury Torres hey man im Brian Or should i say Bee

Me:man I'm a bug fan of your music

Brian:naw man your dad is a legend he changed music forever

Me:i bet

After that we just had a full on conversation,

We ended up exchanging numbers and you know like i said i love meeting new people,

And for the next two weeks me and Brian we're meeting up and hanging out in stuff,

One day I invited him over to the house to play playstation with me cause why the fuck not,

The house we empty cause you know it's Saturday everybody seems to have so much to do on the weekend,

But yeah it was just me and brian,

Brian:your whooping my asd

Me:of course you must not okay COD that much

Brian:yeah between being on the road and making music I don't have time to

Me:i bet

Thats when Brian out down the controller and but his hand on my leg,

Brian:lets take a break


I paused the game and went and got me amd Brian something to drink,

And we jusy sat on the bed and talk for a lil bit as we drunk out drink,

And then outta nowhere Brian hit me with,

Brian:can i tell you something that you promise not to te anyone?

Me:fasho wassup

Brian:like you can't tell a soul

Me:oh man i got you

Brian:i lowkey like you

Me:i like you to man

Brian:no like i like you like you

Me:wait like you? Your gay?

Brian:I don't know jusy get this feeling from you that ive never felt about another man

Me:you do?

Thats when Brian leaned in and kissed me and said,


I then kissed him back and we began making out....

We already had our shirts off cause got damnit its hot as a bitch Lowkey,

So he pulled down my pants and began to perform oral sex on me,

Ive never been with a man but this shit right here felt so good,

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