Chapter 6:Woke

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Brian:oh my God Lux your up

I then opened my eyes a smiled at him,

After waking up from my coma i had to stay at the hospital for another to weeks...

It was now April,

My brother Diez had came down and when me saw Dorian he was livid and literally wnated to kill his ass but My dad stopped him,

I was so happy to see my brother,

After i got outta the hospital i was on a cain,

And i was told by my doctor that i will have back problems for the rest of my life,

And I can't go into service with a bad back,

About a week after getting outta the hospital i got a letter in the mail,

I was expecting it,

I was gonna be honorably discharged from the army before i even got the chance to be in it,

I was bitter about it but as the month of April passed i just learned to accept it,

It was now may,

Brian finally asked me to be his boyfriend and we were officially were were going out in public handing hands and all that,

And he confirmed everyone's suspicions,

He got alot of hate for it but he didn't care and neither did i we loved eachother...

In LA.....

My brother Diez returned back to LA after trying to kil Dorian and making sure i was good,

Diew turned 18 in april and he had been saving up to get his own apartment and one his 18th birthday thats what he did,

As may came in he mostly jusy focused on school and graduating,

My brother wasn't focus on women at the age of 18 and only had 2 girlfriends his whole lifetime,

I'm starting to think that he might be gay to cause hes not attracted to women his age,

But one day during may....

Diez was at a acting studio,

He had a good friend that work as a acting producer and he made movies,

As Diez came to the Gate his friend welcomed him in as he got through the crowd,

As he came in they closed the gate back,

Diez's friend was named Alex he was a cool as white dude in his late 20s,

Alex:wassup man

Diez:hey man

Alex:ok were having auditions today and we have all these people coming to try out and i want you to pick 10

Diez then began to look around and he picked 9,

When he got down to his last pick he set eyes on a women,

She was the mosy beautiful thing Diez ever seen,

He then picked her,

They then let the 10 people come thru the gate,

As each of them auditioned the womem came up when it was her turn and Diez asked to do this audition and Alex agreed,

Diez the began,

Diez:hello and your name is?

The Woman:Nicole

Diez:ok Age if you don't mind me asking i know it might come off ass rude....

Nicole:no your good i'm 30

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