Chapter 49: Flowers

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Cuphead decided to take Mugman's advice and planned on what to do when he took Bendy on a date. He also planned on how he was going to ask Bendy on a date. Their relationship was pretty casual, they mostly just spent time together hanging out. And to Bendy's knowledge neither of them had kissed the other. Cuphead had decided not to tell Bendy that he had kissed his cheek weeks ago, he thought the moment had passed and if he mentioned it now, it would come across as weird. And Cuphead didn't want Bendy to think he was weird. I mean they didn't even have labels yet! 

 Cuphead was walking out of the clearing of his house looking for somewhere he could get flowers. He had decided that Cagney would be the best person to talk to, seeing how Cagney knew flower language. Cuphead saw the carnation talking to his ghost friend Blind Specter, although everyone called him Specter. Cuphead walked up to Cagney, "Hey Cags!" Cagney looked over, surprised to see Cuphead after so long. He sighed, "Alright, what do ya want kid?" "I need some help." Cuphead said suddenly embarrassed.

Cagney grew curious, "Help with what?" "I want to ask someone on a date, and I need to know which flowers would work the best." Cuphead admitted. "Woah! Does Cuphead have a crush?!" Spector exclaimed. "O-oh, we actually are already datin'. We just haven't been on a real date yet." Cuphead said with a blush on his face. "So, who's the unlucky guy?" Cagney said in a joking manner, although no one could tell. "I take offence to that!" Cuphead yelled. "Yeah, yeah. Still, who is he?" "Well, he - wait how'd you know it was a guy?" Cuphead asked with curiosity. 

Cagney looked Cuphead up and down. "So? Who is it?" he asked again as if the answer was obvious. "Well remember that demon we brought home awhile back?" Cuphead asked nervously. "Bendy right?" Cagney asked. Cuphead nodded. "You got a cute demon boyfriend!" Spector yelled out of surprise and happiness for his friend. Cuphead looked down with embarrassment. "Can you just help me already?" Cuphead mumbled. "Fine, fine." Cagney said, "What do ya have in mind." "Flowers?" Cuphead said with confusion. 

Cagney sighed with frustration, "I meant what kind of flowers, kid." Cuphead was still confused, "" Cagney looked at Cuphead, "Alright" Cagney shrugged, "Alright so you want flowers signifying love." Cuphead nodded, "What about some roses? Don't they mean love?" Cagney shook his head, "Too traditional. What about these." He said grabbing a blue flower. "Woah, it's pretty." Cuphead gasped, "What is it?" "It's a Nigella, it's also known as Love-in-a-mist or Devil-in-a-bush flowers. They also mean love, just like roses." 

"They're...perfect." Cuphead gasped once again. "Glad ya think so. How many ya need kid?" Cagney asked proud of his work. "Is a dozen enough for a bouquet?" "I'll just get you two dozen." Cagney said as he began snipping flowers. "Do you have a spot for your date yet?" Cagney asked. "Not yet..." "Do you have what you want to do in mind?" Spector asked. Cuphead jumped. He had forgotten that Spector was even here. "Yeah." Cuphead leaned in a whispered his plan to Cagney and Spector. "We've got the perfect place!" Spector exclaimed as he led Cuphead to it. 

Author's Note:

This is a Nigella. Real pretty, ain't it?

 Real pretty, ain't it?

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