Chapter 13: Tugboat

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Edgar ran over to Bendy upon seeing him. "Bendy! What was hell like? Was it scary? Did you go full Beast? Did you meet the Devil?" "Hi Edgar, I'm okay and no I never met the Devil. Although I did hear some rumors that he looks like a deformed goat." Bendy replied standing up keeping his answers vague in order not to worry anyone. "Woah!" Edgar gasped. Bendy reached a hand out to Cuphead to help him up. Cuphead ignored his hand and got up on his own. "Oh Cuphead! These are my best pals!" Edgar said pulling Cuphead towards the two new people. 

A small man with an eyepatch extended his hand out to Cuphead. "Name's Barley." He said as he shook Cuphead's hand. "And I am Charley." The other one said. Mugman handed Cuphead a bucket that Cuphead didn't realize he was holding beforehand. "What's this for?" Cuphead questioned. "Bro, you get seasick really easily. You need something to puke in." Mugman said with a judgmental look on his face. Upon hearing this Bendy snickered a bit causing Cuphead to blush. "Come on now." Charley said leading group towards a small tugboat.

"Seasick huh?" Bendy asked teasingly as he walked beside Cuphead. "Shut up..." Cuphead mumbled holding on to his bucket as he stepped onto the slowly swaying boat. Bendy chuckled again, also stepping on the small boat. "You're comin' too?" Boris asked his brother after he saw Bendy step on the boat. "Of course. I just got back, might as well explore." Bendy replied. "Plus, I want to know more about the cups." Bendy followed on with, looking towards Cuphead. 

"Well alright." Boris replied as he saw Mugman stumble onto the boat, "Mugman do you need some help?" Boris walked towards Mugman and grabbed him before Mugman had a chance to respond causing him to blush. Bendy walked back over to Cuphead who was already sitting on the deck feeling dizzy. He sat next to Cuphead feeling worried for the cup's health. "You alright Cuppy?" Bendy asked the cup. "Don't call fribble." Cuphead gasped between gags. "Aww come on, you don't mean that." Bendy teased leaning on Cuphead.

"But seriously are you okay?" Bendy asked again, determined for an answer. "Yeah, ugh... I'm... I'll be fine." Cuphead stammered, hating the slowly swaying of the small boat despite the fact it hadn't moved yet. "Ya' sure Cuppy? You don't sound fine." "Boats suck!" Cuphead gasped in frustration. Bendy put his hand on Cuphead's shoulder as a form of comfort. "Well, I'll be with ya the whole time. Right by your side!" Bendy promised. "Yeah...t-to vo-vomit!" Cuphead gasped once again.

"Ship's set to sail Barley!" Charley yelled to his friend who was on a slightly elevated level in front of the wheel. "Got it matey!" Barley yelled back at Charley, "Is ev'ry one on board!" he yelled to Edgar. "Um... let's see. Bendy, Boris, Mugman...Cuphead, Charley, Barley...there should be seven of us. So were missing..." Edgar said counting everyone on deck over and over and over again. "Oh! And me! We got everyone!" he eventually figured out. "Thank ya Edgar...!" Barley yelled back. "No problem pal!" Edgar yelled back. "Off we sail!" Barley yelled, setting the tugboat in motion.  

Author's Note:

Fribble: A trifler, idler, good-for-nothing fellow; silly and superficial.

Dude, I love these creative 1930's insults way too much!

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