Chapter 48: A Subtle Trick

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Boris and Mugman walked side by side back into the house. Bendy was sitting on the couch while talking to Cuphead. He looked up once he saw Boris walk through the door. "Where were ya?" Bendy asked his brother. "I was over at our house." Boris said nervously, "I was planning what to do next." "Ya couldn't have waited until I woke up?" Bendy asked with a serious tone. Boris chuckled as he started scratching his neck, "Sorry, won't happen again." Bendy walked over and lovingly shoved Boris, "Ya better, ya Gollumpus."

Boris chuckled again as he went over to the couch. He flopped down with a sigh. Cuphead jumped up from the sudden movement. "I am so tired..." Boris groaned. "How long were you up?" Mugman asked. "What time is it?" "About 8 in the morning." Cuphead replied. Boris groaned once again, "I think four, maybe five hours..." "You're telling woke up... AT 3 IN THE MORNING!" Bendy shouted in surprise. Elder Kettle peaked out from the hallway, "Everything alright in here?" Elder Kettle was much more comfortable around Bendy and has learned to enjoy his company in the time he spent there. 

Sammy also emerged from his room, "Lord Bendy, are you alright?" he asked with concern. "I'm fine Sammy. I just need to have a talk with my idiotic brother." Bendy grabbed Boris's arm and dragged him outside. "Oooooh~ Someone's in trouble~" Cuphead said in a joking tone. Mugman shoved Cuphead playfully as Elder Kettle scolded Cuphead for being rude. "It's not like they can hear me! Plus, it was a joke!" Cuphead groaned. Elder Kettle sighed and turned to return to his room. Sammy also decided to head back to his room.   

Mugman took this as the perfect opportunity to tell Cuphead to distract Bendy. Cuphead walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. "Hey Cuphead?" "Yeah?" Cuphead asked as he took a bite. "Have you taken Bendy on a date yet?" Mugman asked in what seemed like a natural tone. Cuphead gasped in surprise causing him to choke. It took him a few minutes for Cuphead to regain his composure. Once he was able to, he looked at Mugman. "W-what did ya say?" Cuphead said in between nervous coughs.

"I asked if you have taken Bendy out on an actual date yet." Mugman stated. Cuphead blushed with embarrassment, "No... not yet anyway..." "Why not?" Mugman asked. "I don't know... I guess we just never thought about it." Cuphead said. "Well, why don't you take him out on a date soon." Mugman started careful as to not spoil anything, "You could plan the date today and tomorrow then take him out the next day!" "What do I need to plan?" Cuphead asked with genuine confusion. "It's your first date! You have to plan what you're gonna do!" Mugman exclaimed.  

Cuphead thought for a moment. "I guess that makes sense." he finally said, "I'll think about it." Mugman smiled slightly. Boris suddenly opened the front door looking down in embarrassment. Bendy walked in behind him with an annoyed look on his face. Boris looked at the cup brothers. "I'm goin' to bed." he mumbled. Boris walked away, retreating to his room. "And you better actually sleep!" Bendy yelled to his brother. "I'll try!" Boris yelled back. Bendy sighed as he slumped on the couch. "I'm guessin' today's a restin' day?" Cuphead asked, already knowing the answer. "Sounds good."

Author's Note:

Gollumpus: Large, clumsy fellow.

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