Chapter 31: Nightly Chats

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They finished dinner and went to their rooms to head to bed. Bendy looked over to Boris, "Did you notice anything strange with Cuphead?" "No." Boris replied, "Did you?" "I don't know, he just seemed a bit quieter than normal." Bendy said with a sigh. "You alright?" "Yeah, just a little worried about him." "You should probably ask Mugs about it later since you're worried." Boris said. "Why not just ask Cuphead?" Bendy asked. "He doesn't seem like the type of person who would admit what was wrong right away."

"You have a point." Bendy sighed. "Why are you so worried about Cuphead anyways?" asked Boris. "He was just acting so differently today, plus I'm almost certain he was crying earlier." Bendy remarked. "Didn't he say it was allergies?" "Yeah, but it was obvious that he was lying." Bendy said. "He was probably just embarrassed. Whenever you got sad you used to lock yourself in a small room." Boris explained. "Yeah, because when I get too upset, I go on an uncontrollable rampage." Bendy replied with a deadpan expression. 

Boris chuckled, "Yeah good point. But some people get ashamed when upset. Especially around people they respect." "You think he respects me?" Bendy asked with surprise. "Of course he does. Haven't he seen how he looks at you?" Bendy smiled to himself. Boris looked over at Bendy, "You seem happy. Care to tell me why." "It seems like my life is finally perfect now. We're out of the studio, you're not getting hunted anymore, everyone is normal now, and we never have to see him again. Plus, we met the coolest people ever here." Bendy sighed happily. 

"It is pretty great, isn't it?" Bendy asked his brother already knowing the answer. "Yeah. It's fantastic." Boris replied. They sat there in silence for a few minutes before they drifted to sleep, but just across the hall two people were still awake. "Do you think Elder Kettle is more comfortable with Bendy now?" Mugman asked. "Huh?" Cuphead wasn't paying to what Mugman was saying due to his own thoughts crashing in his head. "Do you think Elder Kettle is more comfortable with Bendy?" Mugman repeated. "Probably, I mean he let them stay the night." Cuphead replied.

"Yeah, I guess." Mugman said with a sad sigh. "What's wrong bro?" Cuphead asked noticing Mugman's tone. "Well Bendy and Boris are probably going to leave soon." "What'cha mean bro?" "I mean they live on a different island a week away and they can't stay here forever." "Well, they have to go home eventually. It is gonna suck though." "Do you think we could convince them to stay?" Mugman asked. "We can't do that Mugs. They have to go home at some point. And they just got each other back, shouldn't they be able to see their friends back on the island." 

"Of course they should. I just don't want them to leave." Mugman said in defense. "I don't want them to leave either and they're not leaving yet so I don't know why you're freaking out so much." Cuphead said. "I don't know why you're not freaking out right now." Mugman retaliated. "I'm just too tired to care right now. I'll probably be freaked out in the morning. Now goodnight." Cuphead said. He yawned then turned over in his bed. Mugman rolled his eyes and turned over as well. "Night bro." Mugman yawned as they both drifted to sleep.   

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