Chapter 46: Outdoors

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Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter isn't as good. School's been stressful lately.

Bendy, Sammy, and Cuphead walked over to Mugman and Boris. They were looking at the misshapen trees that they left behind. "Forgot about this..." Boris said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, we should probably fix this." Mugman replied, "I'll get the ink." "I'll get the brushes and pallet knives." Boris said as they both walked towards the house, not noticing the others. "Why are they returning into the building?" Sammy asked. "I think they're getting their ink stuff to fix the trees. We were practicin' before ya showed up." Cuphead answered.

"I see. But why are the both of them going?" Sammy asked. Cuphead just shrugged, not quite sure why. Bendy walked towards the tree and began inspecting it. The ink was miscolored and the texture was off. But for a first attempt it wasn't too bad, but it did look weird compared to the rest of the scenery. Boris and Mugman returned a few minutes later. They went up to the tree and immediately began working. Neither of them spoke, but seemed as if they knew exactly what the other wanted.

Once they finished the tree looked much better, it still wasn't perfect, but you couldn't tell unless you stood really close. Boris and Mugman looked at it with pride. Cuphead looked at it with shock, "How'd ya manage to do this?! Ya could barely do that before we left!" "Mugman gave me a bit of advice." Boris explained happily, causing Mugman to blush from embarrassment. "What did you suggest?" Sammy asked. "I figured that it was just another texture problem. The ink seemed too goopy." Mugman replied with an embarrassed look on his face.

"You guys make a real good team." Bendy said to the two. Mugman blushed at the statement, "Yeah, I guess we do." he said as he looked up at Boris. Boris, who was previously looking at Mugman, was turned away scratching his neck. Mugman noticed that Boris scratched his neck often. Mugman figured that it was something Boris did when he was nervous, although Mugman was confused as to what Boris was nervous about. "Anyways, what should we do now?" Bendy said snapping Mugman out of his train of thought.

"I've done enough recently." Cuphead groaned as he flopped onto the ground, "I don't want to do anything ever again." Bendy chuckled slightly as he sat next to Cuphead, "So sit here and talk?" Cuphead turned his head to Bendy and nodded. Boris took the nod as an invitation to join the two on the grass. Shortly after Mugman and Sammy joined them upon the floor. They talked about everything and nothing all at the same time. Hours later, after the sun had set, Cuphead felt a slight weight on his shoulder.

It was Bendy. Cuphead looked over at the demon who was fast asleep on his shoulder. "Bro, you're bubblin' again." Mugman remarked as he looked at his brother. "Bendy fell asleep." Cuphead gasped. Cuphead thought Bendy looked beautiful in that moment, the moon reflecting off of Bendy's face. "Is it really that late?" Boris asked, only just now noticing the half-moon currently looming over them. "I suppose time had moved faster than we anticipated." Sammy said as he stood up.

Cuphead shifted carefully as to not disturb Bendy. He slowly picked Bendy up bridal style and began walking to the house. "I'm carrying an unconscious Bendy bridal style..." Cuphead thought to himself, "Ain't this familiar." Cuphead smiled as he remembered when they first met Bendy. Cuphead walked into the room that Bendy was staying in and laid him on one of the beds. Cuphead looked at Bendy then looked around the whole room nervously. Once he saw that no one was close (They all are in the living room.) he turned back to Bendy and planted a quick kiss on Bendy's forehead.

Author's Note:

This is a pallet knife; they are most commonly used to smooth out printmaking ink.

This is a pallet knife; they are most commonly used to smooth out printmaking ink

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