Chapter 22: The Talk

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"Why did you two think it would be a good idea to lead a demon straight to our house?" Elder Kettle said as he started standing up. Neither wanted to answer his question straight on. "Bendy hasn't done anything wrong." Cuphead said. "Nothing you know of." Elder Kettle corrected. "If he did something bad Boris would have told us." Mugman stated. "How could you possibly know that? He claims that demon is his brother! How likely is it they are even related?" Elder Kettle asked Mugman. "How do you know he isn't lying to you?" 

"Boris wouldn't do that! You met him!" Mugman said. "Plus, if he was just using us, he would've killed us the second we got him back!" Cuphead continued. "They probably are trying to manipulate you." Elder Kettle stated. "They haven't even done anything bad! They never once tried to trick us. We've known exactly what we were about to do from the very beginning!" Cuphead said trying not to let his anger get the best of him. "Wait..." Elder Kettle slowed down, "How long have you known that that thing was a demon?" 

Cuphead gritted his teeth upon hearing Bendy be called a thing. "We've known Bendy was a demon since we met Boris in the woods." Mugman stated coldly. "You've known that whole time and still helped him anyway?!" Elder Kettle yelled. "Quiet down! If you're too loud they'll hear you." Cuphead stated. "So what if they hear?!" "This is our fight. Not theirs. They don't deserve the extra stress." Mugman added. "Why do you think they don't deserve it." Elder Kettle said shocked by the two brothers' answers. 

"They've been through enough." Cuphead stated coldly, not wanting to let Elder Kettle get to him. "We've seen some of it with our own eyes. They don't need to hear this." Mugman said hoping for a shred of sympathy. "Fine, I'll quiet down. But I still don't trust them one bit." Elder Kettle said after a few minutes. "I just don't get why you're so against Bendy and Boris. They've done nothing to you." Cuphead said directly to Elder Kettle, Mugman nodded in response. "I had no problem with Boris. I have a problem with the demon. Demons are not to be trusted. You two should know this by now." he replied. 

Cuphead and Mugman looked at each other. They knew where Elder Kettle was coming from, but they've spent the better part of two weeks with those people, and they trust them. "Elder Kettle... Bendy doesn't even come from Hell." Mugman said quietly. "What? That's impossible." Elder Kettle gasped, "It's a demon. It had to come from Hell." "Bendy." Cuphead said. "What?" Elder Kettle asked. "Stop calling him the demon. His name is Bendy." Cuphead repeated. "Fine. Bendy is a demon. He had to come from Hell." Elder Kettle repeated. 

"Even if he did, did he really do anything wrong? Besides being a demon." Mugman asked. "Well no..." Elder Kettle admitted. "And tell me Elder Kettle, do you really think that after our close encounter with the Devil we would be stupid enough to lead a demon straight to our house?" Cuphead said. Elder Kettle sighed, "No, you've learned your lesson." "We trust Bendy and Boris." Cuphead stated, "If you don't like that we can always just live with them on their island. I'm sure they wouldn't mind." "No, you boys should stay here. For your own safety." Elder Kettle replied in defense. 

 "Then just give them a chance. Bendy is much more than just a demon, you just need to let him prove it to you." Mugman said, "We saw how miserable he was when he was in Hell." "Alright, I'll give Bendy a chance. But if he does anything devilish then he will leave immediately, and you both will never see him again." Elder Kettle demanded. Cuphead and Mugman turned to each other and nodded. They turned back to Elder Kettle, "Fine." They both said in unison. "I'll go get Bendy and Boris." Mugman said as he walked to the door. He opened it and stuck his head out, "You guys can come in now..." 

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