Chapter 45: A bit of Normal

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Author's Note:

Guys! I have the BEST NEWS!

This story is currently #1 in ALL of the Cuphead fanfics and #2 in ALL of the BATIM fanfics!

I'm so excited and just!


Anyways, onto the story!

Everyone sat down around the small table as they ate breakfast. Bendy and Boris were surprised that Elder Kettle wasn't angry at them. They finished their food. "Boys can you please clean up the plates?" Elder Kettle asked. "Sure, Elder Kettle." Mugman said as he dragged a groaning Cuphead to the kitchen with a pile of dirty dishes. Bendy giggled at Cuphead's reluctant behavior. Boris turned to Elder Kettle. "I'm sorry we left with Cuphead and Mugman, Sir. We told them that it was dangerous and that they should stay but they insisted on coming." Boris said quickly.

"Well, that was your first mistake." Elder Kettle chuckled. "What do you mean?" Bendy asked, suddenly interested. "You told them it's dangerous, of course they insisted on going." Elder Kettle explained happily, "Cuphead was always drawn to danger and Mugman has too big of a heart to willingly let someone walk into anything potentially dangerous." Elder Kettle turned to the ink brothers, "I apologize for what I said when you two first came back. It was incredibly insensitive, and I was wrong. It's clear that neither of you ever wanted to hurt them." "Thanks Mr." Bendy said, not quite forgiving him yet.

Elder Kettle smiled and walked away. He stopped at Sammy and introduced himself. Sammy awkwardly nodded. Bendy turned to Boris. "He's starting to like me!" he said excitedly. "Yeah, I guess he is." Boris replied. "Do ya think me and Cup will be able to tell him soon?" "What do you wish to tell him?" Sammy asked as he walked over to Bendy and Boris. Bendy jumped, "Don't do that! You scared me half to death!" "Apologies Lord Bendy. I did not mean to frighten you." Bendy sighed, "It's alright Sammy. Now what were you askin'?"

"I was asking what you wished to tell the Elder." Sammy repeated. "Oh, me and Cup can tell ya once he's done with the dishes." Bendy remarked. Almost as if on cue Cuphead and Mugman emerged from the kitchen. "Don't you dare tell Elder Kettle." Cuphead half-whispered to Mugman. "Fine but once he notices it, I'm ratting ya out." Mugman retaliated. "What happened?" Boris asked. "Nothing." Cuphead said. Bendy walked to Cuphead until they were only inches away from each other, "Toots, has anyone ever told ya that you are worse at lying then a rock?" Cuphead blushed from the closeness, "I broke a plate..." Cuphead said embarrassed.

"Let's go outside!" Mugman exclaimed as he grabbed Boris's hand and ran out. Bendy chuckled as he saw his brother's look of surprise. "They just need to get together already." Cuphead groaned. "They have romantic feelings for one another?" Sammy asked as he and the couple stepped outside. "You didn't know? You sure are dense." Cuphead commented. "I am not...good...with people." Sammy said now feeling awkward. "No worries. I couldn't tell at first either." Cuphead said. Sammy felt slightly less awkward. "We should probably tell him." Bendy said completely changing the subject. "What do you wish to tell me Lord Bendy?" Sammy asked.

So, they sat Sammy down and told him that they were dating. "How long?" Sammy asked. "Um...I think a few weeks before you found us? Is that right Bendy?" Cuphead said. "Yeah, I think so." Bendy replied. "I do not know much about romantic relationships but congratulations. I believe that you two are right for each other." Sammy said, realizing he just became a fifth wheel. "Thanks Sammy. But could you do us a favor and not mention that me and Bendy are dating to Elder Kettle, he doesn't know yet." Cuphead asked. "As you wish."

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