Chapter 20: The Escape

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Author's Note:

This drawing of Boris is actually mine! I really liked it and decided to share it with you all. I promise this backstory won't take many more chapters.

"We need to find a way to escape the studio." Boris repeated with determination. "Lord Boris, how do you propose we do that?" Sammy questioned. "I'm...not sure...I've never been able to explore the whole studio. Some rooms aren't connected to vents and their doors are blocked with wood." Boris explained, "I'm guessing the exit is in one of those rooms." Boris started crawling further into the vent. Sammy walked out of the room listening closely to the faint thumping noises slightly above his head. They traveled through multiple rooms until they came to a small room with a door on the other side.

The door was covered in planks of wood. The wood was laid lopsided and rested on top of each other. Sammy walked over towards the door and raised his axe. He swung and broke a few of the boards causing a loud crunch. He swung, breaking a few more. He swung once again breaking the rest of the wood. Sammy kicked the broken boards away from the door. Cautiously he opened the door only to be greeted with a hallway. He let out a tired breath and walked to an overhead vent and lifted the grate from it.

Boris carefully lowered himself from the vent. Sammy and Boris quickly stepped the room. Sammy closed the door behind him and spotted a few standing shelves. "Lord Boris, we must barricade the door, so the angel does not find us if she is to discover it." Sammy said motioning to the shelves. "Great idea Sammy! It would be terrible if she found us." Boris responded also moving towards the shelves. They both went opposite sides of a standing shelf and picked it up. They moved the shelf in front of the door. 

Boris let out a breath of relief as he realized that he would be able to walk freely without having to worry about the angel that was tormenting him. Sammy and Boris walked down the dark hallway opening every door they came across. Most doors were nothing special but as they approached the end of the hallway there was one final door. It was twice the size of the others and was covered with an overabundance of wooden planks and blocked by more standing shelves. "This seems like overkill to block a door." Boris said, "This must be it." 

Boris walked over to one of the shelves. "Sammy, can you come over here and help me out." Sammy nodded and walked to the other side of the shelf Boris was closest to. They picked it up only to immediately put it down. "That's much...heavier than the other one." Boris gasped a bit surprised by the weight. "Alright let's try again. One...two. Three!" Boris hollered as they hoisted the shelf up. They stepped off to the size of the door and dropped the shelf, not worrying about the noise it made as it clattered on the ground.

"Okay! That worked!" Boris exclaimed, "Now we just need to do it one more time." "We also need to remove the wooden planks from the exit." Sammy stated. "Yeah, and the wood." Boris repeated as a way to confirm the statement. They moved the second shelving unit and Boris backed away as Sammy grabbed his axe. He swung, breaking a few boards. He swung again and again and once more. He swung one final time effectively breaking the last few boards. He sighed a tired breath as Boris stepped next to him.  

Boris looked at the door then to Sammy. "We did it." He gasped. Boris edged closer to the door and slowly opened it. The land he saw was various shades of gray as he expected but the sky was blue. The air smelt fresh. Boris stepped out of the studio taken aback by his new surroundings. He had never seen outside the studio but then he looked back at the building he was previously in. A large sign above the door read 'Joey Drew Studios' which brought back unpleasant memories to say the least. Boris found himself looking at it, staring at it and the next thing he knew he grabbed the nearest bucket of ink to cover that monster's name. 

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