Chapter 1: The Wolf

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Third Person POV:

Cuphead and Mugman were bug hunting in the woods by their cottage. After they defeated the Devil people started to give them more respect than what two young boys were used to. Mugman and Elder Kettle could tell that all the attention was boosting Cuphead's already large ego, to which Elder Kettle quickly put a stop to. He made the towns folk stop giving them special attention, they are still children after all. All that power could go to their heads. Quickly.

"Come on Mugs! I swear I just saw a cool bug over here!" Cuphead yelled to twin brother in the distance. He watched as Mugman started to run over when suddenly he was jerked deeper into the woods by an unknown entity. "Mugs!?" Cuphead quickly rushed over to where he saw his brother disappear to see that he was being held off the ground by his handle by a black wolf in overalls. "Hey! Let go of my brother you ruffian!" Cuphead hollered at the wolf holding up a finger gun. The wolf flinched almost dropping Mugman in the process when Cuphead did this but only responded calmly, "I'm not going to hurt him, I just need a favor." "Go on." Cuphead replied keeping his finger aimed at the wolf.

"I need you two to save my brother." The wolf said, slowly lowering Mugman to the ground carefully as to not hurt him. "Why should we trust you? You scared Mugman half to death." Cuphead spat as Mugman rushed next to him still clearly terrified. "You two are the reason he's in trouble, that's why." The wolf growled clearly upset over his missing brother's disappearance. "How could we have gotten your brother into trouble! We've never met him!" Cuphead's voice was growing louder every time he spoke and Mugman was starting to grow suspicious. "You basically forced him into hell!" the wolf yelled anger flashing in his pie cut eyes. "Hell?!" the two brothers screamed in unison. They began to panic; this guy's brother was a demon. For all they knew this guy's brother could be the Devil himself.

Suddenly the wolf picked both cups up by the collars of their shirts and said in the darkest tone he could muster, "You two poltroons are going to find my brother and bring him back to the surface now." These words made both boys quake in their boots and the wolf's expression in that moment could scare a ghost back into the grave. "B-but how are we supposed to go to hell to get your brother?" Mugman said half whispering. "W-we don't even know what he looks like." The wolf's face softened slightly hearing the blue cup at least try to help. He then slowly put Mugman on the ground while dropping Cuphead seeming to have no regard to the red one's safety. "I have a solution to that." The wolf responded almost smiling for the first time today. "But I'll need somewhere to set up the diagrams." "Why would a spoony like you need diagrams?" Cuphead spat dusting himself off from being dropped to the ground. "We could head to mine and Cups' house." Mugman said completely ignoring Cuphead's previous statement. "That would be dandy." replied the wolf also ignoring the insult directed towards him.

The entire way Mugman was seeming to take every chance he could to talk to the mysterious wolf that they were leading to their house. The wolf made small talk and had a friendlier demeanor than two hours ago but still didn't smile. Meanwhile, Cuphead was trailing behind keeping a close eye on the tall figure to make sure he didn't hurt his brother. Once they arrived home Mugman opened the door to be greeted by Elder Kettle waiting for the boys. "What took you boys so- Oh! Who's your friend?" Elder Kettle said not expecting them to come with a wolf twice their height. "Hello sir, my name is Boris." The wolf replied. Mugman who previously didn't know the wolf's name quickly chimed in, "Yeah, we met 'Boris' in the woods about two hours ago!" Cuphead only nodded as a reply. "Oh, well it is certainly nice to meet you, young man." Elder Kettle chuckled. "It's quite nice to meet you too, sir." Boris said reaching his hand out in hopes for a handshake. Elder Kettle quickly got this hint and gave the tall boy a strong handshake. Once he let go, he told his grandchildren, "Why don't you take your new friend to your room and hang-out for a while." "Yes, Elder Kettle!" "Fine..."

In the boys' small room with a desk and a bunk bed Boris began to quickly pull out folded papers from his bag which neither brother noticed he was carrying. Once again Mugman tried to start a conversation. "So, what's your brother's name?" he asked hoping it wasn't the Devil. "His name is Bendy. Bendy the Dancing Demon." Mugman sighed a breath of relief while Cuphead just mockingly said, "What kind of stupid title is a dancing demon?" This question irritated Boris so he just coldly responded, "The kind that wasn't made in hell." while laying out the mess of papers. "How can a demon not be made in hell?" Mugman asked trying to lighten the mood back up, which clearly failed. Boris became angrier starting quietly and growing gradually louder until he was almost shouting, "Because we were created by a dirty liar who betrayed all of us!" Boris was trying not to remember all those terrible memories connected to his very existence.

Author's Note:

I looked up 1930's insults so here are the definitions for the words I used.

Ruffian: A brutal fellow; a pugilistic bully.

Poltroon: An utter coward.

Spoony: Foolish, half-witted, nonsensical; it is usual to call a very prating shallow fellow, a rank spoon.

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