Chapter 8: Finding the Demon

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"We have to tackle him, like Boris told us." Cuphead whispered. "Are you crazy? We'll die immediately!" Mugman whisper-yelled. "No, listen to me." Cuphead started, "I'm going to distract Bendy with a rock like I did with that other demon. You are going to grab on to one of his arms to throw him off balance and I'm gonna jump on his back to catch him off guard." Cuphead put his hand on Mugman's shoulder in an attempt to reassure him. "Come on Mugs, we gotta save him and this is the only way. We promised Boris." 

Mugman nodded, seeming to realize the importance of the statement. "Alright." Cuphead then grabbed a large rock and chucked it as far as he could. It went two inches above Bendy and landed about 3 feet away. It caused Bendy to jerk his head towards the noise and slowly turned his body to find its source. "Now!" Cuphead whispered harshly. Cuphead and Mugman ran quickly over to the tall demon, one latching to an arm and the other jumping on the demon's back. This caused the demon to flinch and caused him to trip and fall flat on his face.

The sudden shock caused the demon's mind to clear slightly, not enough to completely snap out of his rage-fueled daze but enough to lower his rage and change his appearance. His legs started growing longer, his arms shrunk causing Mugman to fall off with a jolt of surprise. His toothy mouth closed and the black ink on his face raised showing another mouth not nearly as sharp. He spoke out a broken sentence as if it took mass amounts of effort. "" Cuphead quickly pointed to himself as if to ask if the demon was talking to him. The demon nodded slowly.  

"Cuphead." He said pointing to himself. He then gestured to his brother, "Mugman." The demon attempted to speak again. "" "To save you." Cuphead said slowly. "Boris told us to." Mugman followed. "Boris..." the demon gasped, starting to shrink to the size of the cups, the ink raising off his face although ink still spilled down half of it. "Is he okay?" the demon asked clearly, seeming as if it didn't take extra effort to speak anymore.

"Yes, he's okay." Mugman stated reassuringly, "He's still on the surface." Bendy seemed to sigh a breath of relief. "Good." Bendy looked at the two cups, his eyes lingering at Cuphead ever so slightly longer although neither cups noticed. "So why are you helping me?" Bendy asked with a smidge of suspicion. "Your brother kinda... traveled all the way to our island just to ask for our help. And when we learned that he wanted help because he was missing you, we wanted to help." Cuphead confessed, feeling nervous.  

This shocked Bendy, he knew Boris cared about him, but he didn't know Boris cared about him enough to leave the only place he had ever known. Suddenly Mugman jumped up. "Mugs, what's wrong?" Cuphead asked. Mugman didn't respond and merely grabbed his brother and the demon towards the rubble that was shielding them earlier. "Mugs what are you doing?" Cuphead asked. Mugman shushed him and pointed in the distance towards a group of demons limping around the area they were standing at five seconds ago. "Crap." 

Autor's Note:


Three chapters in three days...don't get used to it.

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