𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁

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Jake made his way into the lab once he saw norm, grace and max packing away multiple things into boxes. The three years wernt up whats going on? As jake scanned the room with confusion grace seemingly read his mind and answered exactly what he was thinking.

"we're moving. im not letting quaritch run my program." she said going back to piling books into brown moving boxes.

The comment about quaritch running the program stung jake a little, it was obvious grace knew what was going in between jake and the cournal. Nothing flew past her, but she also hadnt confronted him. Jake had exactly what grace wanted, a way in with the clan. For her to be able to go back to how things used to be she had to rely on jake.

"theres a base up in (3,17) we can stay there" grace continued talking.

"wait (3,17)?? as in the base in the hallula mountains??" norm questioned excitement spreading through his tone.

"yes exactly" she smiled at the guy

Norm noticed jakes confused expression and huffed rolling his eyes at the moron.

"you know? from the famous legends of pandora?" norm continued speaking looking at jakes blank face.

"yeah-no i dont know what you're talking about" jake chuckled, norm rolled his eyes but as he walked away grace saw a slight smile strech on his face. The two men pretended not to like eachother, well norm pretended not to like jake, but grace picked up on how well the two complemented eachother as friends. By the end of these three years she was sure they would be extremely close friends. Well that was if norm got over his jealousy.

"okay you wanna go get into the gun ship with trudy, we're about finished up here. Just need to pack these books" grace instructed the man, watching him nod and leave the lab.

After making his way through the RDA building, and retrieving his oxygen mask aswell as a few spares incase of an accident, jake was finally by trudy who was nice enough to help get a ramp for his wheel chair. The two had grown to be extremely close, both of them worked for quaritch and sometimes trudy felt like the only person jake could truely pour his heart out to. All his contrasting feelings about their situation matched with hers and became a strong foundation for friendship between the two. It seemed trudy also trusted jake as much as he trusted her, he could tell due to her spilling about her small feelings towards norm.

"you okay back there?" trudy shouted towards the back of the air craft as she prepared the settings for flight, the gunship was fully packed and now trudy and jake were simply waiting for norm and grace.

"yeah yeah im good" he responded.

Once the other two arrived the gun ship set off pretty much instantly and much to graces delight they managed to get away without one of quaritchs little body guards coming with them.

"now jake i have to talk to you" grace began flipping to a page in her book, which was based on navi biology, "i just have a question about kyuna i wondered if you could answer"

The man let out a huff of realif as he assumed she was asking about his secret meetings, "yeah sure doc"

"so on her waist she has a scar yes?" she spoke still not looking up from her book.

"uhh yeah bullet wound i think" jake spoke tilting his head

"right right, glad you're observant" she spoke sarcastically, " anyways next time you're with her would you mind asking what they used to heal her wound."

"yeah sure but uh why?" he answered

"it had an exit wound, she should have died jake, the navi have something that could prevent the deaths of so many people on earth" grace spoke finally looking up at him, this topic was incredibly hard for her to talk about however she needed answers, she wished so much to be able to see kyuna herself and have this conversation with her however this appeared to be the next best option.

The flight out was only about an hour, once they had reached the base jake could only hear norm and trudy muttering about how her instruments where getting messed up by a signal.

Luckily the base was pretty much already set up, however jake was now getting worried, it was 2pm and he hadnt linked. Technically his avatar was still alseep. He had missed a whole day's training and he hadnt even been able to apologise before hand, he made a promise to himself the moment he linked to apologise to kyuna and her family.

Jake followed grace as she showed him which link pod would be his, obviously the least glitchy one.

"kay heres yours, if you want ill set up your think rn" grace spoke opening the top of the machine and beginning to type in buttons.

"thanks doc" he smiled before begging to clime into the machine.


                            ☙༺✩༻❧✩𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀✩hi everyone so i just wanna warn you, i have a few exams in the next few weeks and obvs my priority is school HOWEVER writing is such a release for me and i will definitely keep uploading...

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✩𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀✩
hi everyone so i just wanna warn you, i have a few exams in the next few weeks and obvs my priority is school HOWEVER writing is such a release for me and i will definitely keep uploading, the uploads may just be slightly irregular:(

oel ngati kameie~ jake sully x oc Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu