No wind could reach inside the airtight basement, but the dim candlelight was flickering continuously while yellow flags fluttered to and fro.

A bright white human bone on the altar in front of Qi Changming exuded a powerful Yin aura, it began to tremble as he chanted a spell.

It only moved slightly at first, but then it began to shake until the whole altar rocked from its vibrations.

The 'ka-ka-ka' sound of the bones hitting the altar in the ghastly and frightening basement leaked outside.

"Rise!" Qi Changming who was sitting at the ground suddenly shouted, his eyes widened with killing intent, both of his hands clasped together forming a pattern while pointing to the white bone on the altar.


An overwhelming Yin aura seeped out of the white bone and slowly condensed into a black whirlpool. It transformed into a human figure with ox horns, the Ghost King's blood-red eyes were staring indifferently ahead.

"Go kill her, then swallow her soul so she will forever be unable to reincarnate." Qi Changming ordered.

Following his words, the Ghost King turned into a black mist that moved through the basement wall to seep into the air. The black mist covered the bright crescent moon before it flew towards the center of Imperial City at a speed no human could imagine.

Joohyun was eating potato chips while she watched TV, she didn't realize something was wrong until the Ghost King reached the compound.

What a quick speed!

Feeling the murderous intent, Joohyun hardly had time to think. The only thing she could do was leave the house immediately before the Ghost King arrived to prevent innocent people from getting hurt.

"I need to go out for a bit." Regardless of whether the others heard her clearly or not, Joohyun immediately stood up and ran out.

This murderous aura was approaching so fast she didn't even have time to go upstairs to get her tools.

"Where are you going?" Joohyun had already opened the door before Mother Chen could react.

"What happened?" Mayor Chen raised his head and looked in confusion.

"I don't know, she said she needed to go out suddenly." Mother Chen said with a worried look, "This child, she didn't even wear a coat and ran out like that. It's so cold outside, ah."

"Chen Yang, go out and look for your sister." Mayor Chen told his son to go out to follow Joohyun.

Chen Yang had already stood up when Joohyun ran out, he felt Joohyun's expression wasn't right. He nodded to his parents, went to the hallway, grabbed his sister's down jacket, and chased after her.

However, by the time Chen Yang walked out to the gate, Joohyun was no longer there.

Chen Yang frowned and looked around the entrance, perhaps it was his intuition as a policeman that he successfully followed in the direction where Joohyun was headed.

"Ah!" There was a sudden cry of pain.

"Irin?" The short cry of pain made Chen Yang's heart beat faster, he knew this voice was his sister's, he had been trained in the police academy so he couldn't have made a mistake.

Chen Yang's eyes sank, and he ran forward with big strides. The more he ran, the more frightened he became. If he followed this direction, he would arrive at the Lou Third Young Master's small courtyard, did Irin anger his guard?

The more Chen Yang thought about it, the more worried he became, and his movements became faster and faster until he finally saw Joohyun was running as fast as she could.

Believe It Or Not, I Already Caught You (Lisrene)Where stories live. Discover now