Chapter Nine ~ Felix

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Felix sat up with a start, suddenly wide awake. A loud, booming noise had woken him up, and he knew straight away what it was: a thunderclap, just like he had heard on the day he met Hyunjin.

He instinctively looked around for the other boy, but when he saw a note and plushie where the blonde should have been, he knew he was too late. Hyunjin was already gone.


A strangled sob ripped out of Felix's throat, and tears sprang unbidden to his eyes.

Gingerly he reached forwards and picked up the note with trembling fingers, half afraid to read what it said. The small page was covered in neat handwriting, and there were wet patches dotted across it, as though the writer had been crying.

As the freckled boy began to read, his own tears began to fall, mingling with Hyunjin's as they soaked into the paper.

Dearest Lix,

I'm really sorry, but I have to return to Heaven now. I wish I could have stayed on Earth a while longer - I really enjoyed my time here with you. I hope we can see each other again one day.

Your angel,

Felix put the note down once he'd finished reading, not wanting it to get any wetter. He picked up the plushie instead, gently caressing the teddy bear's face before suddenly crushing it against his chest. As he sat there hugging the bear with all his might and slowly rocking back and forth, hot tears streamed down his cheeks like a never-ending waterfall.

God, he missed Hyunjin! He missed him with his entire body. His arms yearned to hold him close, his fingers yearned to tangle themselves in his soft hair, his mouth yearned to kiss his beautiful lips. He'd never had the chance, and now he never would, ever again.

Felix suddenly regretted last night's restraint. He should have thrown caution to the wind and kissed Hyunjin then and there. If it had been a mistake, well, the blonde was leaving anyway; but if Hyunjin had wanted it as much as Felix did, then who knows what might have happened? Perhaps Hyunjin wouldn't have left this morning, and they would've been waking up in each other's arms instead, about to start a whole new life together.

That thought had Felix throwing himself down on the bed and screaming into his pillow, his whole body convulsing violently.

"WHY??? WHY NOW?? Why me?" he sobbed to no-one in particular.

Then he rolled onto his back and stared daggers at the ceiling, or rather, through the ceiling. Shaking his fist in the air, he continued vehemently, "What have I done to deserve this, huh? I had a great life before - nothing spectacular, but I was happy. Then you sent Hyunjin, a literal angel - well, not a real angel, obviously, but the closest I've ever seen to one - and my life got so much better. Then, just as things were about to become perfect, you went and took him away again! ... AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SAY GOODBYE!"

After this outburst, the freckled boy rolled over again and buried his face in his pillow, sobbing uncontrollably for several minutes. Then, ever so slowly, the waterfall turned into a trickle, and the trickle, in its own time, dried to nothing.

When Felix found he couldn't cry another drop, he looked at the angel bear Hyunjin had left him and smiled sadly.

"Well, it looks like it's just you and me now, mate."

He looked at the bear properly for the first time, then, taking in every detail. He ran his finger around the edge of a wing and relished the scratchy feel of the glittery halo between his fingers. Then he closed his eyes as he rubbed the soft, velvety fur on his cheek.

My Angel ~ HyunLixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang