Prologue ~ Hyunjin

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“This way.”

The archangel Michael led the way across the shining bridge, and Hyunjin had no choice but to follow him. He had just come from a meeting with his Father – the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth – and it could not have gone worse for him.

Hyunjin was well-known as one of Heaven’s most rebellious angels, always running away from his duties and playing tricks on his elders. He was God’s youngest child, and as such had been allowed to get away with pretty much everything for a long while.

But God had finally had enough. Æons of bad behaviour had left their toll, and so He’d come to a decision. Hyunjin had to be punished.

As the angel trudged over the beautiful bridge, he scowled and grumbled to himself. He knew full well that he deserved some kind of punishment after all his bratty behaviour. (His Father had taken a surprisingly long time to crack, actually. He smirked briefly at the thought.)

But thisthis wasn’t fair at all.

When his father had first mentioned a punishment, Hyunjin thought maybe he’d be put in solitary confinement for a decade or two, or at worst, forced to clean the celestial latrines for the next millennium. But when God pronounced the penance, Hyunjin’s jaw dropped in disbelief.

He was being sent to Earth, to live as a mortal! He didn’t even know how long for; his Father had just said, “until you’ve learned your lesson” – whatever that meant.

“Hurry up! I haven’t got all day, you know!”

Hyunjin looked up to see Michael standing impatiently at the far end of the bridge. Sighing dramatically, he picked up his pace, soon coming to a halt in front of the older angel. He noticed a glowing circle on the ground a few metres behind Michael and wondered if that was how they were getting to Earth.

“Right … now, before I take you there, I need to tell you a couple of things. While you’re on Earth, you won’t have any of your celestial powers. So, no flying, no telekinesis, and no invisibility. Oh, and no immortality, either. In other words, you’ll be just like a human.”

At this news, Hyunjin gasped and his mouth fell open, while his eyes went as wide as saucers. Seeing his reaction, Michael allowed a small smile of satisfaction to appear on his face.

“That’s right. So you won’t be able to get up to your usual mischief. You’ll be on your own, too, so you’re going to have to fend for yourself for a change. I’ll come and collect you when your time’s up. Any questions?”

Hyunjin gaped at the archangel for a moment, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times. Then he pulled himself together.

“How long will I be on Earth?” he demanded, staring at the archangel insolently.

Michael quirked an eyebrow. “Til your Father thinks you’ve learned your lesson. Now come on, it’s time to go.”

He grabbed Hyunjin’s hand and pulled him inside the glowing circle. Hyunjin looked down and noticed that the circle was made up of intricate designs and symbols. Before he had time to look properly, though, the archangel made a gesture with his hands, too quick for Hyunjin to follow, and suddenly the shining circle rose up around them in a wall of flames. Hyunjin unconsciously flinched away from the heat.

When Michael swung his white cloak dramatically around both of them, Hyunjin instinctively huddled towards the older angel and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for whatever was to come.

But nothing happened. Or at least, that’s what Hyunjin thought. After a few moments of silence, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he saw Michael standing in front of him, his cloak back in its usual place.

“We’re here,” the archangel told him, a smile playing around his lips.

Hyunjin glanced around him, a look of astonishment cemented on his face. He was no longer standing in a circle of fire, but rather on a hard, grey surface. In front and behind him were blank walls, and to either side a narrow, dingy ‘street’ stretched out. Only there were no people in sight, only piles of rubbish.

He looked up at Michael in confusion, but the archangel only grinned and said, “Sorry, I’ve got to go round up the cherubim again.”

And with that, he was gone.

Hyunjin looked around him once more, a new emotion quickly building up inside him. It was strange; he’d never felt this way before. But then, he’d never before been truly, utterly, alone.


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