Chapter Seven ~ Felix

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Felix stirred awake, feeling a soft light on his eyes and warm breaths on the back of his neck. He kept his eyes closed for the moment, enjoying the sensation of Hyunjin’s arm around his waist, his legs tangled with his own.

He lay there for a long minute, a wide smile gracing his face as he remembered what had happened the night before, how the two boys had ended up spending the night together in Felix’s bed.

The fact that the blonde was still there made Felix very happy indeed. He’d been half-afraid of waking up alone, and finding that Hyunjin had left in the middle of the night, to return to the safety of his own ‘bed’ in the loungeroom. They hadn’t talked about it, after all. It had just happened, and for all Felix knew, Hyunjin didn’t even remember asking the freckled boy not to leave.

But he was still here, and his arm was wrapped around Felix’s waist, even if his hold was rather tight. That was a bit odd, actually. And now that he thought about it, Hyunjin’s breathing was a bit too ragged and uneven for someone who was fast asleep. Just as Felix was thinking that, he heard a loud sniff from behind him.

Worry suddenly creasing his face, he turned around to face Hyunjin, and his eyes widened at what he saw. The blonde’s beautiful features were streaked with tears, while more were pooled in the corners of his eyes, just waiting to fall.

“Hyunjinnie? What’s the matter?” Felix asked in a panic, his voice deep and husky from just waking up.

Hyunjin quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, before looking at Felix.

“Nothing, Lix, I’m fine!”

Felix stared deep into Hyunjin’s eyes, a solemn look on his face.

“No, you’re not. You’ve been crying.”

He reached out and gently caressed where the tears had made tracks down the blonde’s cheeks.

Hyunjin looked down shyly. “I-I just had a bad dream, that’s all.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Hyunjin shook his head. “No, it’s okay. I’ve forgotten most of it now, anyway.”

He looked back up with a forced smile. “Let’s go make breakfast!”

And with that, he quickly got out of bed and all but ran out of the room. Felix watched him go with a frown, then slowly followed him to the kitchen.

All through breakfast, Hyunjin was quiet and gloomy, pushing his kimchi and rice around the plate like a moody teenager. He didn’t say much during their walk to the café, either, which was strange for him – normally, he was the chatty one. Felix was really beginning to worry.

He wasn’t the only one that noticed Hyunjin’s change in mood. The street vendor that always gave them pastries could tell from a mile away. As soon as she took one look at the blonde boy, she put down the pastry she’d been holding and picked up a bigger one instead, passing it to Hyunjin with a worried look. He waved away her concern, of course, but after he’d walked away, she whispered to Felix, “Look after him today – he needs it.”

And Felix promised he would, before hurrying after Hyunjin, not wanting him to be alone.

When they got to the café, Hae-won looked Hyunjin up and down before saying, “Are you sure you should be here, Hyunjin-ah? You don’t look well at all!”

Giving her his best smile, Hyunjin replied, “I’m fine, noona, don’t worry about me. I just had a bad sleep, that’s all. All I need is one of your amazing Americanos, and I’ll be right as rain!”

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