Chapter One ~ Felix

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Felix smiled happily to himself as he hummed a tune under his breath. Today was going to be a good day, he just knew it. The sun was shining, a gentle breeze was blowing, his favourite song was playing through his Airpods … what more could he ask for?

The dark-haired, freckled boy was currently on his way to work – a small, trendy café on a busy corner in the centre of Seoul. His apartment was a fair distance away, but he’d always enjoyed walking – especially on mornings like this.

Still listening to his favourite song (the latest hit from Twice), Felix idly looked around him, smiling cheerily at street vendors that he knew. One of them beckoned him over, handing him a small package with a beaming smile.

“’Morning, Felix! I baked your favourite this morning – it’s fresh out of the oven.”

Felix beamed back, then opened the package and took a deep breath in, closing his eyes as he savoured the delicious smell of warm pastry.

“Thanks, noona! How much do I owe you?”

The woman shook her head.

“Nothing,” she replied. “It’s a gift!”

She laughed as she saw Felix’s surprised face. “What? I can’t give my favourite ball of sunshine a treat on such a beautiful day?”

Felix blushed. “Okay … thank you, noona. Have a nice day!”

He walked off, waving goodbye and grinning from ear to ear. He really couldn’t understand why people treated him like that. He wasn’t anyone special. And it’s not like he went out of his way to do good deeds or anything. He was just … being himself.

Shaking his head in wonder, Felix decided to taste the pastry he’d been given. But when it was half-way to his mouth, a loud, rumbling noise shook the air around him. He stopped in his tracks in the middle of the footpath, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. After a few seconds, he looked upwards, but there were no storm clouds in the sky, and no raindrops suddenly fell on his head.

Looking around him in bewilderment, he searched for the cause of the noise, but everything looked exactly as it had only moments before. The other people on the street didn’t even seem to have heard it…

Furrowing his brow in confusion, Felix slowly started walking again, but kept looking around to see if anything was different. A few metres down the road was the entrance to an alleyway. The freckled boy doubted he’d see anything down there, as all the alleyways in Seoul were dingy, narrow spaces, full of rubbish and rats. No one ever went down them.

The moment he gazed into the shadowy space, though, he froze. This alleyway wasn’t as dark as it should have been. About halfway along it, down at ground level, was a patch of dim light. It looked as if something was crouching there, huddled up in the corner where the wall met the ground. Something that was … glowing.

Felix quickly looked around to make sure no one was paying attention, then cautiously entered the alleyway. Walking carefully so as not to startle whatever was down there, he slowly made his way towards the glowing shape.

As he got closer, the shape resolved into a human form, huddled in on itself as if to get as far away from its surroundings as possible. Felix didn’t know if the person was scared or just cold, but he did know this: they needed help. And if there was one thing the dark-haired boy couldn’t resist, it was helping someone in need.

When Felix was about a metre away, he crouched down and softly said, “Hello.”

That garnered no response, so Felix tried again, a little louder. “Hello? I’m Felix. Do you need help?”

This time he saw movement. But the person didn’t lift their head; if anything, they huddled into themselves even more.

Sighing faintly, Felix hesitantly reached out and touched the person’s arm. In the blink of an eye, there was a sudden blur of movement, all arms and legs, and the next moment the person was standing a couple of metres further down the alley, a look of absolute panic on their face.

Felix felt bad for causing such a reaction, but at least he could get a proper look at the person now. It was a boy, probably about the same age as Felix. He had long, blonde hair and was dressed in all white clothes, although they were looking a bit dirty after their time in the alley.

The boy’s face had an otherworldly beauty to it, that even the tears running down his cheeks couldn’t mar. If anything, they made him even more beautiful.

Felix gasped as he stared at the new boy in astonishment. “You’re an angel…” he breathed.

The boy’s eyes opened wide. “What?” he questioned.

“Oh, n-nothing,” Felix replied, embarrassment surging through him as he realised he’d said that out loud.

Then, remembering why he was there, he continued, “Are you okay? I heard a loud noise before, and then I found you in this alley all by yourself, and … did something happen to you?”

The beautiful boy gazed at Felix for a long moment, then seemed to come to a decision. He stepped forward towards Felix, only stopping when he was directly in front of him. Eyes flitting over the other boy’s face, he hesitantly reached out and touched Felix on the cheek.

The freckled boy’s eyes widened in surprise, and his heart stuttered for a second, before starting to beat faster than before. He gazed upwards into the blonde boy’s eyes, noticing that they were a deep green colour, sprinkled with flecks of gold.

After a moment that seemed to last a lifetime, the new boy pulled his hand away, looking down shyly. A delightful warmth lingered in the spot where his fingertip had touched, and Felix absently placed his own hand over the spot as he gazed at the boy in astonishment.

“What’s your name?” he gently asked.

The green-eyed beauty looked up at that and sighed.

“I’m Hyunjin.”

“Well, Hyunjin, why don’t you come with me now? I’m on my way to work, and if I don’t get going, I’m gonna be late!”

He suddenly remembered the pastry in his hand. “Are you hungry? You can have this if you like. Noona just gave it to me, so it’s still fresh.”

The blonde boy took the small parcel with a stunned expression. “Thanks,” he replied uncertainly.

“Once you’re feeling better, you can tell me your story, and I’ll see what I can do to help.”

Hyunjin smiled then, and it was as if the sun had suddenly appeared from behind a cloud. Felix saw the relief and hope in Hyunjin’s face, and it warmed his heart knowing it was because of him.

“Come on,” he said, grinning and taking Hyunjin’s large hand in his own small one. He led the way out of the dark, quiet alleyway and onto the bright, bustling street.

“It’s this way,” he said.


Ooh, intriguing!

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My Angel ~ HyunLixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora