10. Fail your Sympathy

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean, 'oh'?"

"You like her," he laughs. I wince in disgust, "No, I don't."

"Alright, cool, I'm gonna ask her out then. She seems amazing, to convince you out of all people to become her caretaker," he grins.

Stopping myself from yelling at him, I grin coldly, "Good. Take her out of my hands." He stares at me dumbfounded.

"I've got shit to do, so train in the backyard," I demand, walking into my bathroom, closing the door behind me.


It's been a few hours, no sign of Rhea, which I don't mind. But it does make me wonder where she went.

I grab an extra pillow and blanket, throwing it on the floor, a few feet away from my couch. "Here, your drunk ass can't go anywhere, you'll get lost in the woods, then call me to help you because you'll think you saw bigfoot," I sigh, looking at Dal.

"I wouldn't call you, you'd scare them away."

I ignore his remark, and lay on my couch, pulling my duvet over my entire body.

I hear a grown man giggle behind me.

"What?" I groan.

"Dude, this is so fucking funny. I never thought I'd see the day, some girl kicks you out of your own bed. You really are women deprived," he chuckles all the way to his space on the floor.

"Just shut up, before I make your ass sleep in Nala's shit pen," I snap, digging my face into my pillow.

"That is the rudest insult I've received in a longtime, she has mudpies. BIG MUDPIES!" he pauses, whistling, "Nala come here, protect me from your dad and your shit."

I hear jingles from Nala's collar ringing throughout the silent house.

"Good girl, Nala," I hear him whisper.

I drift off into sleep, ignoring Dal.

When I wake up, I hear my front door opening. I quickly spring up, grabbing my dagger under my pillow. I aim it at the door, letting it fly out of my fingers. The blade sits next to the door frame, stuck into the wall, while a horrified Rhea gapes at me. The dim light from the lamp casts a glow on her face.

"It's me! Holy shit!" She breaths.

"Yeah, I realized that at the last second," I shrug.

"You almost killed me! Again!"

"You're fine. Are you not?" I ask. She sighs, "Yes, I'm fine."

"Good. Problem solved."

She rolls her eyes, shutting the door behind her. She walks into my bedroom, while I lay back down on my couch.

I hear footsteps, stopping right behind me. "Yes?" I ask, annoyed and tired. "Uhm... there's a man sleeping in your bed."

I open my eyes, sighing.

I get up from the couch, and walk into my room. I see Dal sleeping peacefully in my bed, while drool comes out of the side of his mouth.

I flick his forehead, "Get up."

No response.

I take the blanket off him. "Dal, get up," I command.

He groans in response, curling his body into a ball, still sleeping. I hear a sigh behind me.

Rhea walks past me, grabbing Dal by his ankles, and pulls him off the bed, and onto the floor.

"Hey! Hey! What the hell?!" Dal mumbles. "You're such a dick Elijah," he groans while his eyes stay closed.

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