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Your pov

"Why do you have to go" I ask

"It's for work baby" Rose says

"But why do you have to go, why not someone else?" I pout

"I don't know baby" she sighs

I looked at her suitcase packed then back at the floor.

"Baby look at me"

I looked up at her with tears threatening to spill. She wiped away the ones that fell as I subconsciously leaned into her touch.

"It's 1 week then I'll be back to cuddle the shit out of you" she smiles

"O-ok" I sniffle

"I love you" she says kissing my head

"I love you too" I smile

Day 1

I woke up this morning without my wife in a cold bed. I was in her pj's but that didn't really help. I showered then layed back in bed. I didn't do much due to no motivation.

Day 4

1 more day. 1 more day without Rose by my side then I get cuddles. I've lost count of how much wine I've drank but it's probably a lot. I spent the day laying in bed and watching movies.

Day 5
3rd person

As y/n lay on the couch ptfo in walked her wife from just getting home. Rose put her bags down by the door, then walking to her wife. She layed on top of the younger women and placed kisses onto her face.

Rose's pov

I started to place kisses on y/n's face making mumble.

"5 mor min'ts mommy"


"No mommy me wanna sleep"

I layed on her getting comfortable. Her arms wrapped around my waist as I lay my head in the crook of her neck. She fell back asleep with me on top of her drifting off.

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