please come back

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Rose's pov

I was sitting outside of y/n's room. I heard no more sound from it and started to worry. Then the doctor came out.


I looked up at her.

"I'm sorry but y/n didn't make it"

"No... Please no"

I rushed into her room hoping it was a lie. I made my way to her bed and grabbed her hand. It's cold they weren't lying.

"Y/n please, please, please, please. Come back"

I lay there with my y/n for the last time sobbing. I kept begging that she would wake up and she would tell me everything alright.

I woke up in my bed tears streaming down my face. My breathing was super heavy. Just a dream. I got out of bed and got dressed. I didn't go see Jack just went to the kitchen. I ate some toast for breakfast then got my car keys. I got in the car and went to the hospital.

I got there, they let me in and I stood next to y/n. I hold her hand in mine and place a kiss on her head. I lay my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes. I fell asleep to her methodic breathing.

A few hours later

I woke up to patterns being drawn on my arm. I thought nothing of it and looked up at y/n. To much surprise she was looking back at me.




"Why what"

"Why'd you relapse?"

"A nightmare that's all"

"Oh, you could've woken me up"

"Didn't want to"

"Please just come to me next time"


I stayed with her until I had to check on Jack who was still at home. I went home to check on him and he wasn't in his room.

"Jack! I'm home"

He ran out immediately wrapping my legs in a hug. I pick him up and give him a better hug.

"Where you been?" He asks

"With mommy talking"

"Mommy's awake!"


"Can we see her"

"Yeah let's go"

We drive back to the hospital and go back to her room. As soon as we were in that room Jack went over to her. He asked for cuddles and she said yes. Jack ended up falling asleep on her after about an hour of talking.

"You know I can't live with out you right?"

"I know" she mumbles

"Then will you please explain to me?"

She explained the whole thing and stated to break down at the end. I calmed her down by whispering sweet nothings to her and tracing patterns on her hand.

"Never will I not love you"

"I know. But I'm sorry"

"I would say it's okay but it's not. Just next time come to me okay?"

She nods and takes my hand into her grip. She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Cuddles?" She asks

"Of course"

I get in bed next to her and mindlessly play with her hair. She eventually falls asleep. I wrap my arm around her waist and our sons body.

"Good night love" I whisper then fall asleep.

She's A GoddessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz