chapter 31

126 6 0

Tw:mention of sh, knife, blood
Your pov

After sleeping for another few hours  I had woken up again not being able to sleep again. What if I were to relapse? Then what would I do? I shook the thoughts out of my head as I got up and looked at the clock. It was now 8 and Rose would be up soon.

So to surprise her I decided to make breakfast. I was in the middle of cutting the strawberries when I accidentally cut myself.

"Fuck" I mutter

"Y/n/n? What's wrong" Rose asks then she sees what happened.

"Baby did you do that on purpose?"

"No, no I-i was making breakfast to surprised you and accidentally cut myself"I whimper

"Oh, well let's get you cleaned up then" she smiles softly


"No buts it'll be waiting for us when we finish"

I nod and sit on the counter by the sink for her. She smiles at me as I try to keep my strong dominer up as she cleans my arm. After she's done I mumble a thank you and go back to cooking.

After the French toast is made I give her a plate with some on it and let her put on her toppings. She chose nutella and strawberries. Just as I sat down Jack woke up. I sighed as I started to get up to go get him. I love this kid but god damn. As I pick him up and head back he touched a bruise on my arm which made me yelp in pain.

I heard Rose get up and run over to us. When she got to us I had tears in my eyes. She took him from my arms so I could pull myself together. In that few minutes I traced the scars that littered my arm. Then the big one that I got from being shot. As I was doing this Rose walked back in.

She grabbed my arms and looked me in the eyes.

"No matter what you are the strongest person I've met" she says

I nod my head, kiss her then go back to eat. I get back to the table to find our son covered in nutella.



"Care to explain why Jack is covered in your favorite topping"

"I gave him some" she admits

I sigh then take the sticky mess that is our child to the tub. After sitting him in it I started to run the bath. I took off my shirt leaving me in my bra and short shorts. I didn't notice Rose in the doorway as I was focused on bathing Jack.


"Ah you don't have to yell"


She hands me a towel and I wrapped Jack in it. As I stood up and turned around she pulled me into a kiss. We got lost in it until Jack whined. I chuckled a little while I went to dress him. After he was dressed I have him something less messy for him to eat.

Rose pulls me aside and kisses me once more. I blush and melt into it. Once we pull away her cheeks are red and so are mine.

"I love you"

"I love you most amore" she responds

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