am i...gone

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Your pov
Tw: gun and blood

Few months later

I'm walking down the street with Jack when some one pulls a gun on me. Instinctively I turn so my shoulder is facing them and I'm protecting my son. A bang came first then something hit my arm.

The person who looks satisfied with their work run off leaving me there. The first thought that came to mind was make sure Jack was ok. I take a look at him and he's fine but I'm loosing more and more blood. I then call Rose. She picks up.

"Hey baby"

"Hey what's up"

"Can you come pick Jack and I up?"

"Why, but I'm not objecting"

"I'm currently ble..eding out" I breath


"Im a-a little light headed Rosie"

She a few minutes later pull up in the car. I'm sitting against a wall getting worse. Rose got me in the car then put Jack in his seat. That was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

Rose's pov

Fuck, fuck, fuck she passed out from blood loss. I rushed her to the ER where they then took her from me and Jack. He was crying and I was on the verge of tears.

"Mama's gonna be alright love, s-he'll be o-k" I say breaking

"Mrs.Weil" the nurse shouts out after hours of waiting and my head shoots up.

"Follow me please"

I get up holding my boy close to my chest so he keeps calm. I follow her to a room where y/n lay still not awake. My heart shatters and I start to break down again. She tells me that she's stable but lost a shit ton of blood so she'll be out for a little longer.

"Please wake up my love I need you more than you know it"

"Please ma belle we need you. Jack needs his mama and I need you my love. I need someone to take care of me. We have so much to look up to."

Her heart rate went up a little and she groaned. I took a hold of her hand and squeezed it. It took her a few more minutes but her eyes opened. Jack looked up from me to his mama.


"Yeah mi amore"

"Give me my son please"

I gave her Jack who nuzzled into her starting to relax. It was clear that he favored her over me but I couldn't blame him. I went home, got an overnight bag for him and I then went back to find both my loves asleep. Jack was out of his onsie as he got warmer when he was sleeping and y/n had placed him on her skin. I will protect you my love I promise that

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