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Adriana didn't exactly know how she ended up in a drinking game with Pablo, Alejandro and Raphael, but for some reason she did and she had a lot of fun doing that. The four of them were sitting at a table on the terrace of Pablo's house.

"Never have I ever stood someone up on a date." Adriana said, pouring some liquor in her shot glass. Raphael looked at the others before taking his shot.
"Why the hell did you do that?" Pablo laughed.
"I don't know, she was just being weird." He answered, laughing along with the birthday boy.
"Never have I ever kissed a friend's sibling." Raphael asked the next question. This time, Adriana and Alejandro raised their glasses. Pablo looked, especially at his female friend, shocked.
"Who was it?"
"Maria's older brother, like back in 12th grade." Adriana answered, unsteady because she had to hick up a few times. Her vision was already a bit affected by the alcohol.
"Yeah, he's really good looking. What about you though?" Pablo agreed, then looking over to Alejandro, who seemed to get very nervous.
"It's better for me not to talk about it right now." He admitted while eyeing Raphael a bit. But he seemed to understand, what Alejandro was referring to.
"You have not kissed my little sister." He said in confusion. The next second, Alejandro was running away from Raphael through the garden, Pablo chasing after them.

In the mean time, Ansu and Ferran had another mission. Their task was, to get Pedro drunk as well. Eventually the two boys planned out something together with Pablo beforehand. They wanted to get Adriana and Pedro drunk, hoping something might happen between them.
So the drinking game was just a easy way to get Adriana intoxicated. And it worked.

Ferran and Ansu on the other side had a little bit harder time with Pedro, but after some time he was pretty inebriated as well.
Ansu looked out of the living rooms window, where he could see Adriana still being outside. Pablo lured away Raphael and Alejandro, so they couldn't bother Pedro and Adriana.

"Why do you want me to go outside so badly?" Pedro mumbled after Ansu told him to leave the living room.
"Uh maybe, because the moon is red right now? Ever heard of blood moon?" The guy responded, looking at Ferran, who nodded his head to convince the drunken Pedro even more.
"Really? I'll take a look at it then." He said, before teetering outside.

Well he surely didn't find a red moon, but he found Adriana though. His own personal moon. In his opinion, she was even more beautiful than a blood moon could ever be.
"Are you doing alright?" He asked while sitting down next to her. They were sitting on some steps, that led down into the garden. Pedro almost fell while trying to sit down, but he managed not to in the last second.

"I think I drank a bit too much. You seem like you did too." She chuckled. Pedro only nodded his head, looking intensely at the girl next to him.

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