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"What do you mean?" Adriana looked at her loved ones with confusion written on her face.
"You and Pedro should break up. At least for the publicity. You could keep your relationship private." Her father said, while her mother nodded concurrently. Adriana furrowed her eyebrows.

"Are you guys being serious right now?" She spoke. So many thoughts were flooding her mind. How could they come up with something like that?
"Actually, I got the idea, Adriana." Pedro said, as if he was reading her mind. The girl blinked a few times, not knowing what to say.

"Say that you're joking, please. You can't be serious. Why would you want to part so suddenly? I thought we would go through this together?"
"I don't want to break up with you. Adriana, I love you. That's why I want to keep things a secret. I don't want you to get hurt." Pedro tried to explain himself.
"You're hurting me right now, right here. I don't want us to be a secret! I don't know what to say. Actually, I don't have to say anything besides that I'm more than disappointed." Adriana stated before storming out of the house again.

Not knowing where to go, she just went to a random park in Barcelona, she's never been before. After receiving some messages from her boyfriend, if she even could call Pedro her boyfriend, she shut down her phone. Adriana spotted a playground, where she sat down on a swing. Watching some children play football on a nearby fiel, she found herself crying quietly.

Adriana felt like Pedro didn't want to be seen with her. Although, that wasn't his intention in any way. Maybe everything was too much for the girl at the moment and she felt burned out.

While Adriana was overthinking about what happened earlier, Pedro had no choice but to go to his practice. Just like his girlfriend, something was eating him from the inside as well. And even his teammates would notice that, since he was not being himself.

But the brown haired guy didn't change his mind. He was still sure about his idea, and when he got home, he made sure to post a statement about their 'break up' for the public. All unknown to Adriana.

Her phone was still off. She was slandering through a few streets, not intending to go home anytime soon. She felt betrayed, just like Pedro stabbed her back. Listening to people talk shit about her, was one thing. But hearing those word earlier, from the person she loved and needed the most right now, was more than hurtful.

Exhausted from walking, she bought herself a bottle of water at a small convenience store and sat down on the pavement in front of it. She decided to turn on her phone again. Scrolling through her feed, she also saw Pedro's official post. Scoffing, she read the caption. Tears rolling down her cheeks, she went to read his messages. Pedro assured her over text, that he still loved her like before and that he was doing this for her well-being, also asking where she was.

With a simple answer, saying that she didn't want to see him anytime soon and was hurt by his actions, she archived their chat.

I bet almost no one will still read this, I'm sorry for being so inactive omg😭 anyways I'm not the biggest fan of this chapter but I have to get into writing again sooo

overlooked | pedri Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt